Chapter 13

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I was at my motorcycle ready to ride off when Ryan came hurtling towards me waving his arms.

"What do you want Ryan?"
I was drenched in milk and the heat wasn't helping.

"I need to talk to you."

"Sorry but not right now. As you can see I have things I need to do."
I grunted under my breath.

His black hair was looking brown in the sun.

"Please. It's about the other night I-"

I cut him off I could feel feet walking closer towards the schools entrance. Preferably 4 people. And we were within hearing distance.

The smell of rotten chocolate and mint hit me soon enough and it gave me a good idea of who it could be.

And I think he got the message to.

His face was pleading.

"Can we go some where to talk."

He put his hands together like a prayer.

"Not in the state I'm in."

My black bra was sure to be showing but Ryan payed no notice of it he just continued to beg and plead.

"20minutes that's all I I'm asking for."

They were getting closer.

"No Ryan now go away I need to get home."

"10.. 5 please!"

His voice whiny making my ears want to bleed to block out the sound.

I shock my head no.

I was starting to smell now and standing in the heat with milk lets just say makes you feel ew.

I turned on the motorcycle.

"Move or I'll hit you."

I said plainly.

He shook his head most likely thinking I was joking.

Sighing in boredom I revved the engine up taking of running over his foot in the process.

I need to get home and have a shower.

I took off at the same moment Sam, Rex the guy I threatened along with max? Came out the schools front door.

I know I caught all four of their eyes from the familiar smell of pure lust and instinct of chase.

But the strange thing was Sam was just staring at Ryan and Ryan Sam.

Silent communication. Most likely.

I didn't get any more than that because I looked away turning the corner.

I travelled alone on the highway for a few minutes finally being a little at peace letting my face fall from the hard mask I was wearing until some strange movement on my left caught my eye.

I snapped my head left.

I could hear continuous twigs snapping along side my bike. The more I sped up the more it did to. That's when I saw it Ryan's wolf Trev.

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