Chapter 14

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RYANS POINT OF VEIW. (Short chapter)

What the fuck have I done!

"Come sit down"
Jessica said her face changeling from a shear devil to a composed woman who looked bored. but both I and the guy standing next to me new what was hiding beneth that mask.

She tapped the marble table making parts of it shatter. I tried to move my feet I honestly did but fear had hold of me. The guy beside me who I saw got his elbow broken and didn't cry stand frozen too his face slowly breaking into fear.

I saw the blood from her claws slightly dig into him when the bone snapped and to be completely honest this guy freaked me out when he didn't even gasp from the pain.

"SIT DOWN NOW!" She yelled

My body started to automatically move towards a she devil like a fish hooked on a line to a fisherman who five minutes ago would have taken my life. I nearly tripped over the guy who tried to save me and sat down on a seat as far away as I could get from her.

Her smile took the rest of my confidence.

The little details I missed before now we're her slightly pointed teeth which were glossy white tips that looked like a galaxy in the sky blending into black.

Her eyes though they no longer where just grey but had a red purple colour no other pack or rouge had that I have ever seen it was faint but barley visible.

"Let's get one thing straight. You are both going to die tonight. But not before I get answers from you."

My heart froze

What have I done. I've turned her into a monster. A monster who doesn't care for the life that has been sacrificed to her.

I sure as hell was glad to not be in the spotlight when she asked that question.

I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy next to me. Even though her threat to kill us both was real I didn't know why she wanted him dead.

Well that was until I'm guessing what she said next.

As her delicate finger pulled back from pointing at him

Goddess assassin (BOOK ONE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang