Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: grey

Last night I didn't have any dreams and for once I actually got a good nights rest.

It was about 7am I think when I got up and walked into my closet getting my silk black dressing gown with blood red roses sprawled along the corners.

Walking out I found Ryan with limbs spread out drooling all over the pillow and snoring. Rolling my eyes, I walked out of my room and down to the kitchen to begin cooking some scrambled eggs for two people. Many things and questions were running through my head for grey but I needed to be patient before violent. That was one of the many things X had taught me even though I didn't see the need for it. After all of you put someone through enough pain they will just about tell you anything but he managed to prove better results with his methods and insisting I do the same apart from when I'm really angry. Chucking half of the scrambled eggs on one plate I grabbed some cutlery and walked into the pantry opening up the trap door making my way to greys cell.


I snapped my head up when the door handle began to rattle.

Damn if she just stayed away for another 20minutes I'd be out of this cell.

Thuds started coming from the steal door until she burst through with a plate of scrambled eggs and dressed in nothing but a silk dressing gown.

"Fuck X give me the place with the shitty door very kind of you" she was talking to herself.

She walked over to the entrance of my cell and unlocked the door.

"Well someone looks like they slept well" she just gave me a look to make me cower and shut up but I just laughed getting a sour look from her.

"I brought you some breakfast so hurry up and eat it.' She said placing the steaming eggs and fork on the cells ground before walking over to uncuff my wrists.

My shoulders were aching and sore I Moaned with relief. Her face was stone hard with her eyes flashing through the past and in them I could see herself hauled up against chains like mine and begging to be set free for a few minutes of relief but the people in the room just stood there before walking away.

Without meaning to I growled my wolf somehow feeling a slight bond between us and making her come back to reality with a snarl of her own.

"Hurry up and eat I don't have all day."

She said walking out and sitting on the chair she was on yesterday and lent over showing me enough skin on top that the imagination didn't have to go very far to see the rest.

Trying to control my Scottish strike in my accent I looked down at the eggs and began to eat while answering her questions.

"Tell me why rouges have been coming here for the past 3 years."

" well for the lasses I suppose but also access for refuge from the neighbouring alphas because of the murders my men have done."

she nodded at me and keeping her face calm and stable

" who do you buy the girls off? and where do you get them?" she asked opening the door again to the cellar and taking my plate and fork before tying up my wrists again.

my shoulders were screaming out in pain that threatened to penetrate my voice.

"i don't know the man who sells us the lasses he always wears a mask and Ive never met him. my pack and I had killed another rouge pack and decided to claim the lasses under their name and the meeting place was said over the phone from the dead alpha we took it from saying that in 3 hours he would meet us somewhere in the forest with the three lasses but he never showed and so when you were seen walking through the forest with the scent of rouge we thought you were part of the other pack that we killed and had claimed the girls yourself so my beta decided on his own that he would take you instead taking 5 of my other pack members with him."

her gaze was hard and deadly. giving a sharp nod she walked out of the cell and locked it.

picking up the plate and fork she headed to the steal door stopping when she said " oh and one more thing Ive replace your cuffs so you wont be escaping any time soon." and with that she walked off closing the door behind her with a lock.

Sighing I looked around the concrete floor for the tiny silver pin I was using to unlock the cuffs before. The place around me smelt of old blood and dust there was no light apart from the tiny globe in the centre of the room but it was enough to work with. I don't know why my wolf and I growled when we sore the memories flash through her eyes. It was a talent I had been blessed with and cursed with. It was a blessing so I could look into the minds of what people were thinking about their past and if they are lying but it was a curse because they too could tell if I was lying so I just got into the habit of telling the truth if I wasn't joking around to save time.

Damn I can't find the pin anywhere.

Turning my head, I looked at the chair which the lass sat on and there sat the small silver pin right on the edge just out of reach.

Great! Now what am I going to do now. It's only a matter of time before I will be killed and

Forget it. No time for worrying guess I will just go to sleep after all you can't fight back when your Partly delusional from lack of sleep.

Closing my eyes, I listened around the room hearing the clock hanging above the steel door ticking the minutes by as I drifted off to sleep.


walking into my room I thought about what grey said and glanced over a Ryan who was sprawled out along the ground snoring with dribble running down his chin his face restless and calm as if he hadnt a care in the world. walking into the wardrobe I pulled out a thick hard covered book and threw it at his face and smirking at his startled expression trying to work out what happened.

"aw! what was that for?"

"get ready we need to leave in 20 minutes I said disappearing back into my wardrobe picking out some skinny jeans and white tight singlet that ended just over my belly button so the piercings skull stuck out through the bottom. it was going to rain today so I grabbed my leather jacket with small darts and my commando boots I wore when I first arrived and my credit card from the top shelf for food at the cafeteria.

i walked out of my room knowing one thing was clear. max and I needed to work out what our next step was.

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