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Jessica's POV

max closed the door leaving me and grey in the cell together, I've wasted too much time already I need to get some water and be left alone.

I whipped my body back and forth pulling at the chains assessing just how strong they were, and of course he had put me in quiet the bind he really didn't want me getting out. only when he put me in here he was dumb enough not to check for any weapons that I was carrying. cocky bastard. he also didn't know I had experience with getting out of tight places like this. back when I was younger I had to learn the hard way of escaping chains and bars and now with my assassins skills I was naturally a pro.

"this brings back a lot of memories." I spoke to myself completely forgetting grey was in the same cell as me.

"what you mean your brother does this regularly to you lass?" grey said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"shut up" I replied, I needed to concentrate, I got to work curling my hand into the size that could go the furthest out of the chains and pushed them back through. I didn't have much time before my arms grew sales as hard as steel and by then I would truly be fucked. I began dislocating both my hands hearing the loud cracks and pops. "urgh I'm not sure whether thats really cool or disgusting. how can you do that with a calm face. I mean your hands look like theyve gone through a beating machiene lass." I cracked a few more trying to shut him up. I really hate talkative people they just don't know when to shut their traps. "stop it before you really hurt yourself..." as soon as those left his mouth he was just as shocked as me to what he said.

awkward silence followed and I went back to dismantling my hand. I squeezed both hands through the chains and hit the ground. I was facing grey when I looked up the horror on his face which was something I could just drink right up all day and then he blurred, my vision left me to go back to some unwanted memories that I had tried to forget.

I was lying on the ground from the exhaustion of pulling away my chains my body was burning from the pain of having my toenails ripped off. my feet were bloody and the room was dark but I could still see where I was going because there was nothing to see and I already knew where everything was I pushed open the barred door that they never locked so as to tempt me even more to escape, and as I began to climb up the stairs my heart rate was sky rocketing. my natural instincts were telling me it was around 9pm and the loud shouting and music outside of the dungeon indicated Sam was having another one of his parties. I reached the button that would either give me torture or freedom. freedom if I escaped or even more pain if I didn't. either way some of my animal instinct surged through me making me pull back my hand and swing ready to hit the fated button. only just as I did so the door above me opened revealing Sam who was holding a stubby in one hand and so drunk he kept swaying left to right. my heart jumped out of my chest and I ran the rest of the way up trying desperately to escape as my legs surged me on from the horror what was to await me. I knew what was going to happen he would catch me and id probably get something broken. but I needed to try and sure enough as I reached the door leading outside of his room he grabbed my hair and wrenched me back as I screamed for someone to help.

" yy-you tthink I was dat stupid to leave my door unlockesh. I mean reshently you've been escaping and itsss b-been really annoying but I know how to fix that.

I could barely hear his drunken speech over my screaming from the pain of being dragged backwards down the stairs by my hair. he threw me into my cell and turned back around to lock it so we were both in it together. I curled into a foetal position just waiting and crying hoping that someone would come to my rescue. and that was when it happened a slab of wood smashed against my pinkie toe and ring toe so hard they were no longer attached to my body and as I screamed in pain and shock Sam just laughed and laughed." next time itll be a finger! he declared and as he left my cell laughing I silently cried and cried holding onto my foot trying to stop the bleeding losing even more of my sanity and hope.

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