Chapter 41

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Jessica's pov

I start dancing to the beat of the music swaying and lifting myself onto the bar like I was doing some elaborate complicated move meant I let the pole and me become one as the beat of the music pumps through me. I wrap my legs up and down swinging showing off my scared and tonned body.

I loved the stares it made me feel bad. Like I was a rebel finally getting attention. I don't know it could have been a side effect from my past of sycological truma one of the docotors had told me when I had check ups.

But who said he was right I mean he never knew my past. No one does.

By the time the songs finish I look over expecting to see Mikayla but instead I find candy. Her eyes glint over towards Mikayla taking drinks and scuttling away from the men around the room.

"Oie you wanna earn a few extra bucks love. I wouldn't mind a nice lap dance from the likes of you." A guy said.

And may I add he wasn't bad looking.

No where in comparison to grey.

Wait I did not just say that did I?

Shaking my head the man must have thought I said no.

"Sure love I'll be down in a sec" I said sweetly.

His mates beside him were shoving one another around when I got over to him.

He looked me up and down and sat back in his chair thrusting out his hips for me to pretty much grind against.

"Omg I didn't think she'd actually do it!"

The guy who was receiving my lap dance was obviously enjoying him self by the hard feel I got coming from one side of his pants.

"Fellas you have got to try this."

He said voice strained as he went to grab my hips.

"Sorry love but I'm afraid your not aloud to touch."

I said wickedly taking enjoyment out of his discomfort.

His friends laughed at his expression and offered to buy me a drink if I stayed to chat with them a while.

I obviously accepted and sat down with them giving a few dances and drinking for a few hours until I decided it was time to move on.

To be totally honest I don't know how drunk I was at the time but some one reached out to grab me.

"How about a dance lass." The voice was stern and deep. I squinted my eyes trying to work out who it was.

"Sshshhure hannndsom if you by me a drink."

I laughed feeling absolutely care free.

Far out who knew alcohols made you feel so good.

"No I think you've had enough to drink." The sweet voice boomed again.this guy wasn't in a very good mood.

I looked up but could only see fuzz.

I made a noise like a horse.

"He. I'll decide when I've had enough to drink thank you very much and you cannnt t tell me" I pointed to him and then to me "what to do because that's a big noooo book" I frowned at my own words.

"Did I just say book?"

"Yes you did which just proves my point." He said

"Oops did I say that out loud?"

"Yes you did."
He replies.

I nod a sudden wave of nauseriar come on.

And then I vomit. All over the guy In front of me.

He seemed angry now as he grabbed onto my arm and draged me some where.

I would have Brocken his arm by now but I didn't think he meant any harm well that was until I got to the bathroom and my eyes lit on the toilet.

Another wave hit and I tumbled over to it and chuckle up more rancid shit.

The man in the background sounds like he's growling at someone.
The guy needs to lighten up its a bloody club.


And then that's when I hear it the slight scream coming from across the club to the back stage.


I shoot up barly able to see anything and shoot out the door stumbling around.

I go towards the place where I herd her passing the guys who I must have had a few drinks with.

Once I get to the door to get back stage I open it and barge through nearly falling down the stairs.

I catch what to look like buff males dragging something that smells just like Mikayla.

My wolf who is also intoxicated by now let's out a snarl not noticing the man behind us who hits me over the head sending me down the flight of stairs onto the ground below.

All I can hear from there is laughing.

Fuck. Maybe alcohol isn't the best thing to have on the job.

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