Chapter 42

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Greys pov

What the hell has come over me?

I followed her all the way here and have just been getting angrier an angrier every minute.

I was guarding the door AND I was totally covered in vomit after her first throw up.
Some guy walked in with a smug face and I growled sending him scurrying away. I felt responsible for her and it irritates me. Then all of a sudden she made a noise and wobbly stood up, determination written in every step she took walking Across the bathroom and shoved past me. Her head tilted as if she was trying really hard to hear some thing.

She began to stumble everywhere trudging through the sea of stubborn body's that bumped against one another in irritation watching the pole dancing.

I was about to catch up with her when some drunk idiot slammed into me and poured his beer all down my front.

"Oi that cost me $20 what cha going to do about it pal?"
The stupid drunk said his speech was slow and he looked like a true druggo with oily black hair with the tips that were yellow but I'm guessing supposed to be white. Not to mention he smelt like a garbage bag disposal unit that was full of old liquor.

"This" I replied punching him square in the face and leaving looking for the other drunk idiot. Jess.

"Hey grey!" Elliott beside me yelled over the music.

Great. Everyone's here you might as well get my uncle in on the surprise pop ups to.

"What are you doing here?" He walked right up to me. I can't believe this. I don't even know why I'm here myself.

Elliott's pov

"Alright then don't answer." I replied eyeing him suspiciously though it seemed he didn't know himself and the thought irritated him. He was off in his own world. His face twisted and contorted in anger and frustration.

"Say have you seen Mikayla and Jess?" I asked only, it seemed when I said Jess's name he physically tensed.

"Yeah as a matter a fact I have, she was just with me and now I don't have a clue where she's gone. Stupid idiot got herself drugged." Grey said off in his own world.

I laughed at his comment. Getting my self a hard glare. Which I must admit was pretty funny but I wasn't going to laugh about it. I shook my head side to side then trying to catch onto her scent I walked through the crowd. Grey followed me all the way to the back door or entrance or exit spot for the ladies well what ever it was. Opening the door I was met by a blinding white light and a plain stair way with another door higher up. Which was as normal as it got. I smiled now knowing the plan was in motion. Jesses smell had most certainly been tampered with in a way as though not to be picked up. But it was to bad that the sloppy job they did was wearing off. Turning around expecting grey to be behind me I was met with the rest of the room filled with drunks and perverts.

"Oh well. All that's left to do is wait them out." I said speaking to myself.

Leaving through the club I bumped into a couple of guys and had to decline a few very tempting lap dance offers but I eventually made it out alive into the back alley way where I headed off towards the woods. By the time I got there it was about Half an hour later and I could sense someone's presence staying persistently close to me, while managing to keep there distance. so by the time I had managed to get to the edge of the Forrest the presence had no choice not to follow in fear of being caught. Walking a little further in I wandered around staying alert as I found the tree that I had left all my equipment inside a green and black duffel bag and cautiously began to climb ready to leap off at any signs o movement below. I reached the thick branch with my duffel bag and hid myself in between the branches that were randomly covering me from view.

I unzipped the bag revealing my black and green camo suit that was made out of the very expensive and extremely rare demon snake skin that was half human and half snake with sharp bladed horns that rose out of its head I forget what their called but then again I don't really care after all I still can't actually believe they exist I mean come on. No one has seen a demon in the past 10 generations. Even so this freaky skin suit is really hard to explain because it comes semi alive when you put it on.

Peeling off my clothes and stashing them into a crevous of the tree I put on the suit as it slithered and coiled around my body removing all air to the point where you thought you were wearing another skin suit. Which is why I can't explain what kind of skin it is, well one of the reasons any way. The second reason was that it had the ability to turn you invisible to the eyes of the people around you when you wished it.

Closing my eyes I waited for it to take effect as I silently dug through my duffel bag and pulled out my twin blades and hand guns stuffing them into my suits compartments that suited me well. When I wasn't visible I made my way down the tree. And silently moved to the next one and stood behind the trunk waiting for the person who was tailing me all the way here.

A small tabby wolf submerged from a pair of bushes that were about 70 meters from the tree I was just in and raised its head trying to catch my scent. It wandered around the tree and stopped before letting out a loud howl then slipping into its human form.

"Fuck! Lost him" said a small petite girl with honey brown hair. She pulled her hand through her hair with a frustrated huff. I walked out from behind the trunk of the tree when she left and climbed back up waiting for the a sign to move.

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