Chapter 30

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Wow thanks so much you guys. Can't believe you've stuck with me to chapter 30. Hope your enjoying the book and please remember to vote comment and share my book with your friends.



So me and Mikayla are in one of the red convertibles from the garage and speeding down the main road to the largest shopping mall around. We had a plan, to go to all the shops inside and out of the mall with a goal to max out one I Rex's many credit cards, along with withdrawing a tone of money for Mikayla for her own sense of judgement. Mainly for all the years of abuse and torture rex put her through. it seemed Every hour Mikayla seems to shows me a new quality of her that was lost when rex had her in his control, it also seemed she was getting over the incident with great skill. The devilish side that continued to leak out of her was making me feel something all over my body it was a warm and tingling feeling, some thing I never experienced before (and I'm not talking bout love!). I looked over at her, she had bright blond hair that was natural and with deep blue green eyes. she was in her own kind of league and all she needed was red horns and a tail. She was the type of girl who liked to live on the edge with no regrets.

Finding a park and running in out of the rain. Yes it was raining. We went into the first store we saw. Which just happened to be thomas jewlers. Both mine and mikaylas eyes nearly popped out of our heads as we looked at the prices from the window with both hands on the glass. we turned looking at one another laughing evilly under our breaths smiling.

I think one of the lady's thought better than to ask us if we needed help when the atmosphere got really dark and she moved over to another customer.

I was in a good mood today, I ussaly was after releasing one of my skins.

"Hey Amanda! Come look at this!" She was over at one of the glass windows at the back getting lost in what ever diamonds had caught her eye.

"There's belly rings you should get one. Actually no I'll get one for you! who am I kidding rex will get you one." Her face was so full of glee, like a child the morning before Santa came. I smiled over at her as if to pretty much that she was a kid on Xmas day.

"Of course it will be the most expensive! and they have to be diamond with another type of gem. Oh! I know we should get this..." She ratted on and on and it ended up we had to go over to the maker of the jewlers so she could discribe what she wanted for the both of us, although to be perfectly honest i wasn't really listening. once she paid we left the shop and started walking to the next.

"hey Amanda does it hurt getting your belly done" i looked at her with a confussed expression.

"i mean getting it pierced" she replied. I made and oh shape with my mouth.

"oh no not really but to be frank my body has no feeling so i wouldn't really know"

"wait so you cant feel anything like if I scratched you or if I tickeld you with a feather?!" I laughed at her examples

"I would be able to feel the pressure as if you scratched me but things like tickeling me with feathers? I wont be able to feel. but hey if you want to get your belly pierced im all for it" i said trying to avoid the subject of not being able to feel my body. And as you've probably guessed that it was because of one of sams experiments. in fact I think it was the same year he tried to kill me.

I didn't notice she ws speaking to me until her finguers clicked in front of my face bringing me back from distant memories. I smiled at her and apologized. She was so deep in thought of what we were going to do I couldn't help but laugh earning a funny look from her:

"What is it a bad idea?" She said eyebrows furrowed.

I shook my head no. and we went throughout the shops laughing like people who belonged to the loony asylum.



6 hours later we were both so tiered.
I almost fell asleep driving the car!. the boot and back seat were full to the max of stuff every girl dreams of owning and mikayla now had her own bank account with 4million dollars in it. So to say we accomplished a few things was an understatement. The best part about the whole thing was when mikayla got her belly pierced. I was laughing so hard at how she was holding onto my hand for dear life when the guy pulled out the needle. I swear to god it was funnier than it sounds. I looked over at her and she was fast asleep looking like she didn't have a care in the world.

Once we arrived home I got Ryan to help carry the stuff inside to where it belonged.

After that both us girls feel asleep on her bed after unpacking the stuff around her room.

"Jessica, you know better than to steel from me right?"

I woke with shallow breaths. My chest tight. Just because I escaped from them and have learnt so many new ways to kill people didn't change the fact that some where inside me was still scarred and scared and it would never go away. Lying back down I took a few deep breaths in before getting up and going to the training room. I hadn't trained in a few days and my body was still tense from hearing Rex's words in my ears.
I stripped down from my long sleeved T staying in my shorts and singlet revealing scars from my past.

I wasn't afraid of people seeing my scars in fact I loved it mainly because they would usally leave me alone and not bother me.

Today I walked over to the small daggers and slected around 60 carrying them in a box and Walked over to one of the targets in the room i placed the box down before going to get a trendmill that I had X install for me and placed it I front of the target with the boxes balancing on top of the selection board and jumped on. I selected the rocky coarse which was a new mode for the latest treadmill I had installed where instead of running smoothly up or down hill the mat would turn into a more slightly dangerous coarse moving left to right and up hill really fast as well as having bumps and holes along the way. As I got started running I spoke to the over head speaker to put on some music to help block every thing out and to try and help me forget about Rex's voice, while I picked up daggers and repetively threw them at the target in front of me when running .


3 hours later and it was now 6pm I'd had finally grown tired of throwing knives at the same target that now looked like a human porcupine and I had worked up a sweat. when I turned off the music and went down stairs I was deciding what to make for tea remembering that I needed to talk to grey again tonight. Only as I went down stairs I found mikayla standing behind the counter cooking stir fri for none other then grey himself sitting beside max, as all three of them had a good laugh. Well that was until I walked into the room.

"Oh Amanda your back!, I tried looking for you but you were on the third floor so I didn't go up." Mikayla. Chirped up obviously being the only one left out of the loop. I was staring into greys eyes and he mine the blueness of them was like none I had ever seen they seemed to reflect everything surrounding him even me. "Oh yeah this is grey he's-" I held up my hand "I know perfectly well who he is." I worked my way around the kitchen and walked to the fridge pulling out an apple. And small knife. Both boys slightly stiffened at the sight of the knife and were on high alert. I don't know how he escaped but he's going to wish he hadn't. With a plan in mind I began cutting the apple on the table right in front of them with each slice beads I sweat dropped down their foreheads.

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