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Chapter 34

Jessica's pov

"Max... Max... MAX!"

I repetitively say knocking on his door.

The handle slowly turns revealing a sleepy max.

"Come for a run with me I need to talk to you." I give him a look when he is about to refuse.

Walking down the stair case I can feel his presence behind me. Bringing caring memories back to my mind of how he used to spend time with me.

When we're outside he shifts into his wolf and tilts his head asking why I wasn't changing.

"I do not change my form in front of people only those who deserve it the most or are going to die" I say in all seriousness. His wolf rolled his eyes.

I turned and began jogging through the woods with quick agility until I came to a little stream about 5 km west. Around about 15 minuet jog for me. I tilted my head up at to tell my brother to change his skins as he jumps out of the woods.

His wolf stood there stubbornly its black grey fur blending in with the shadows.

"Look this is urgent it's about our assignment but if you want me to do it all that's fine. Im just saying I wont share the money or the credit with you." I said with a bit of irritation.

He remained in his wolf form.

Turning around I began to peel off my own clothes.

"It's not like I haven't seen a dick before and trust me some I have seen are pretty embarrassing." Like Rex's wonky one. I cringe remembering the look of it in the dungeon cells. Mental vomit.

I get around to my bras and undies when I turn around to face him. Extending my arms back I find that he has changed into his human form.

"Stop jess what do you think youre doing! You can't just undress yourself in front of people none the less guys. Please I don't want to see any of that just stop."

His eyes are closed and he is covering his lower Half. You would expect an assassin to be more ruthless.

I roll my eyes.

"Fine but will you at least open your eyes and look at me. It's basic etiquette.

He accepts opening his eyes but making sure they stay glued to the top of my head.

This wasn't going to work. I needed his full attention.

I look down at the stream and even though I say stream it is more like a deep lake that continues to slowly run through the forest.

I start making my way further into the water leaving behind the black baggy clothes I put on before coming.

"Where are you going?" He called out to me looking in the opposite direction.

Somewhere we can talk now get your ass in hear. He understood what I meant and I think he felt mildly relieved.

When my body was fully submerged I had to try my hardest to slow down the change. My toes slowly growing scales.

"We need to keep an eye on Ryan. Jacob told me the voice recorder was linked to his phone so I think that may be a possible lead. We need to solve this by Monday because the packs going to be looking for their alpha I'm not dumb enough not to believe they wont. Which leads me to you. Have you found anything else out?"

He looks stunned by my little speech completely agreeing with me. Even though our task was to eliminate Sam we both knew he wasn't the main guy to the missing girl case event though he has been selling a few off.

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