4: Dominic

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Heaven Knows OST: ♫ Boys & Girls in love by The Rumble Strips ♫

                             ♫ Unpredictable by 5SOS ♫

                             ♫ About You by Shane Filan ♫

Chapter 4: Dominic

I’ve been told that if you don’t get the things that you want in your life, then maybe you should try again. If you’ve tried again and you still haven’t got it, then maybe you should try harder. And if for the third time you still don’t have it, then set yourself into a different perspective.

Well, Heaven isn’t too far away.

Scott wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“You know what I just learned?”

“Not yet, Scott.”

He snorts in a wild boar way. “I just learned that fucking is one of those fucking words you can fucking put in any fucking where in a fucking sentence and it still makes fucking sense.”

I scoff at him. “Your mouth’s full of shit. You are useless.”

A group of girls from the Art Department pass by us. Each has their own slut of a smile, worn like a Mac make-up. Scott gives them his earth shaking wink and panty dropping smile. I don’t know how that bastard does that. I sure hope he doesn’t do that on my piece of Heaven.

“Useless you say?” Scott turns his attention back to me. I am kind of hoping that he’d just leave me alone. But I have already sparked that interest on him like I’ve dropped a coin into a slot machine and he’s in complete operation. “Dom, nobody is useless. You can always be used as a bad example.”

I shook him off of me, still he follows. Yeah, it’s tested and proven: he can’t live without me.

“You have a very funny way of showing your concern. Thank you very much.”

“I am funny because being hot is not an option. It is part of me.” he taps his man boobs. I made a disgusting face at him.

Scott Orson’s a slut. I am only saying this because I am his best friend and I like to be honest—it’s my specialty. And that is not a typo error because those bitchy words wring with truth. If I probably tell that to his face, he’d hail me as the best saint in Heaven.

Anyways, Scott’s just turned on—every fucking time and he cannot control his testosterones. I think he’ll malfunction if he stops flirting. So while he’s busy “sight seeing” I’d  be very much obliged to tell you that today is a special day for the Art Department because they again are commemorating another year of excellence in the academic field of…um… art.

We have our classes all right but Scott makes it a habit to gate crash celebrations. That’s why I am standing in a crowd with him, outside the school’s covered court, holding a cup of mixed face paint.

Why I’m holding a cup of mixed face paint like a punch in my hand? Well, obviously it’s not for drinking, it’s for painting. Yes, painting other people’s faces.

The moment we got inside the covered court, girls started running for Scott. For all I know, they just wanted to touch his glorious face. Within a minute, he looks like a human totem pole. I took pleasure standing away from the crowd with the company of the wall. Great. I’m a human wallpaper—wait—what’s that they call to people who are unattended beside a wall? Wallpaper right?

“Come on, Dom! Don’t be such a wuss!” Scott shouts somewhere. I couldn’t find him. Probably it’s just my head.

“Look at you! You are starting to be a wallflower!”

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