17: Dominic

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Chapter 17: Dominic

A story always starts with a blank page. Then a pen gets dipped down on ink and words are being written. Pages are then filled and stories are being shared from miles and miles, from generation to generation. But what if our mind could only in-store limited memories? What will happen to the blank page? Where do we get the pen to create the words?


I think I’m reading too much of this Psychology book. I don’t even know why it’s here in our library when we don’t have Science related classes. But eventually, my main purpose why I hid in the library was because I wanted to clear my head from the noise that’s inside of me. Tomorrow will be my recital and if I fail, then the world’s gonna end in 2014.

“Look who I found in the school library.” I looked up to see Rose Garner grinning widely at me. “Hi.” She blushed as she approached me.

“Hello.” I said. “I’m not hiding. I’m just…” I shrugged when I knew there’s not much of a use to explain further. “…meditating.”

She invited herself to sit next to me on the floor. “How’s Anna?”

“Why don’t you ask her?”

She sighed. “Because I’m a coward.” She leaned back forcefully that her head bumped the bookshelf. Her head hit it so hard it made a “tug” sound.

“Aw.” She mouthed.

I snickered. “Thick head.”

“No. It’s a bump of reality.”

“You should fix things with Anna.” I said. “You know you don’t have enough time with her. The least you can do is reconcile and be friends again.”

“What does she need me for when she have you to look out for her?”

A laugh escaped my mouth. “Sometimes we only think we need a few but it’s better if it’s a task force. The more the merrier.”

She leaned her head to the side and she sighed again. “Maybe soon.”

“When she’s already dead?”

She glared at me. “Aren’t you supposed to be practicing?”

A rabid change in topic to get off the loop. Smart girl.

“Yep, But as I have said, I need to clear my mind.” I answered.

She chewed on her lower lip. “Well, I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed your peace.”

“How can I be at peace with myself when I’m at war with the world?”

She blew off her fringe. “I’m afraid I cannot answer that.”

I laughed on my behalf.

“I spy…” Scott’s intro as he ousted himself from a nearby bookshelf. “Dominic Savio and…” he looked at Rose like she’s good meat. I had to roll my eyes up the ceiling.

“Excuse me, miss, but have we met before?” he knelt down before Rose.

Rose huffed it almost blew off her fringe. “We’re in the same school.”

“Really?” Scott raised a flirty eyebrow. “Because I really thought I saw you in my dreams.”

“Definitely in your dreams, Scott.” She chided and Scott feigned hurt in the process of getting shot through the heart.

“Why are women rejecting me these days?” Scott mumbled to no one in particular.

“Difficult human nature.” I answered him. “There are others who turned you down?” I had the urge to snort at his face. Headlines: SCOTT ORSON REJECTED.

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