7: Dominic

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Heaven Knows OST: ♫ Please Don't Say You Love Me by Gabrielle Aplin ♫

Chapter 7: Dominic

One day—could be just two words. One day could be just another day. One day could be infinite. One day could be the end of the line. One day could be the start of something worthwhile. One day could change everything. One day could be forever. And one day could be today.

Well… there sure are a lot of one days in that paragraph. But I think one day is a part of everyone’s story. It doesn’t only start a story, it signifies a beginning. And even though I didn’t start my story with one day, I sure want to make it up by making that one day my day today. See how fascinating it is to link all five words that rhyme together in a sentence?

Blessed Scott Orson left me to my own business after I shined brightly like a star for scoring an ultimate yes from Heaven. I rocked my recitals too—my composition nailed the intervals of music in thin air and it flowed vigorously in harmonic bliss. I was overjoyed that I cannot contain my ridiculous grin from showing. I look like a loon. It’s something that Scott would say. He even showed me my reflection in the mirror to prove his hypothesis. I wasn’t totally myself since I was in cloud nine, but not until he whacked me with a question that I fell back to earth and its organisms.

“So, where’s the paranormal activity showing?” oh~ translation: where’s the date gonna be?

Fuck the duck. I think I just melted with my smile on the floor.

How can I be such a humungous fool? Everything else got shut down when I heard Heaven’s mighty yes. I didn’t get her number. I didn’t give her the time. I didn’t give her the place. I said nothing as I left her classroom this morning. And now, I penalize myself with the headache of over thinking things at once. My good friend, Scott, knows about my stupidity before I do. He very much likes to think ahead. So, he kindly offers a double date at the diner nearby. But I said: I’ll have to think about it.

This is not a date. We are just going out. I try to remind myself.

Anna’s a bit aloof to the world. She has her own piece of Paradise just inside herself while I patiently wait outside if ever she’d open her wrought iron gates for me. If I take her with Scott and his “new girl” then it will be a date. Plus, it will all be “Scott talk”. I will not have Heaven for myself. Call it selfish but I call it my day. Just me and Heaven. No hell and no earth. Just me and her.

Finally deciding where to take her and what cliché thing to do, I stick my note on her locker and I wait.


Heaven meets me at the end of the staircase.

She holds up my stick-on and I smile back at her.

I’m glad she came. Her response is a tentative smile but I’ll take all my chances to savor it. A smile, no matter how small can be a good start.

She folds my note and she places it inside her coat’s pocket. I lead her up the staircase not knowing what to say to her along the way. What do you say to someone you like without scaring them away? Is silence also a guy’s loudest cry or is it a cry of cowardice?

Distracting myself, I thought of the things that Scott might be doing. Will he hold her hand while they come up the stairs? If he talks to her, what flattery will he say? I don’t know. I am not Scott Orson. I cannot be Scott Orson. I should not be thinking or acting like Scott Orson. Scott will sweep her off her feet once he sees her. That is Scott but I should be Dominic Savio. But how will Dominic Savio act towards Heaven?

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