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Sometimes the place you are used to is not the place you belong.

"Julie, come on," The woman said to me.

Before I could protest, she linked her arm with mine and dragged me inside the hall. As I had described before, the hall was really big and beautiful. Everything in it was color coordinated in white and gold. It looked elegant.

"Mrs. Jenson! I think it will be best if I talk to Julie-t for a bit," Olivia said, stepping towards me. My eyes narrowed at Olivia when she called me Juliet.

The woman, Mrs. Jenson smiled at Olivia and nodded, "Sure."

"Thanks," She said and took a hold of my arm and led me to the same room in which I woke up. I was about to ask her what was going on but she gave me a look that instantly told me to shut up. I decided to obey her.

As I entered the room, Olivia shut the door behind her.

"Sit," She said and I walked over to the queen sized bed and sat on the edge. Olivia handed me a glass of water and sat beside me. I drank the water, realizing just how thirsty I was. I put the glass down and turned to her.

"Can you please tell me what the hell is happening to us?" I asked and she nodded.

"You remember when we were in the room and I freaked out because we were kidnapped. And someone came into the room after that and you passed out, I was so scared. I thought those people were going to kill us. But then, the old woman came inside and she called you Juliet and-"

"Yes! Why is she calling me Juliet? My name is Julie. Does she-" Before I could complete the sentence, she cut me off.

"Exactly. She calls you Juliet. After you passed out, she untied both of us and told me that we were completely safe and she wasn't going to hurt us. And I don't know why, but there was something strange in the way she talked to you. It was almost...motherly."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I-I think Juliet is someone the old woman thinks you are. She was also babbling about how she regrets whatever she did that made you run away."

"What? That makes no sense to me."

"I know. But I think this Juliet is the girl she was talking about."

"But why would she think I am Juliet? Do I look like her or something?" That would not be possible at all. Would it?

"I don't know. It could be. If the woman mistook you for Juliet, then you must have some strong similarity with her."

"But what is Juliet to her? I mean what's their relationship?"

"Look, the woman's old. She looks young but I'm sure she's in her late forties or early fifties.  So probably Juliet must be her daughter."

"Her daughter? And she being the mother, would fail to recognize her own daughter?! That's not possible!"

Olivia shrugged. "It could be."

"Where's Juliet then?"

"I don't know. If the woman so easily mistook you for her daughter, then her real daughter has not met her for quite sometime. And she did say something like 'you didn't change much even in two years.'"

"What if she's dead?!"

"But then the woman would not have said you were her daughter."

"Gone abroad or something?"

"Unlikely cause again she wouldn't have said what she said."

I ran out of guesses. I didn't realize Olivia was so...smart. But this had happened so quick, what if we were wrong?

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