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I could write poems on your neck with my lips.❞

"Are you seriously taking me on a date dressed like this?" Ethan asked again.

"Yes, Ethan. I know you're not happy with this right now but trust me, this is going to be a good date. We're going to do a lot of things."

"Like what?"

I rolled my eyes. "Should I spoil it for you? No I'm not going to do that."

Ethan looked down at his old clothes that I had told him to put on. He had on a faded worn out blue T-shirt and sweatpants that he no longer used.

I led him into the garden.

"Are we having a picnic in the garden?"

"No. Today were going to find you a new hobby."

"For me? But I do have a hobby. I like to write."

"But do you ever do that? No. You want to do that when you'll be old and when you'll have a lot of time on your hands. But that's not okay. You need to have a hobby now as well. Don't worry. We'll find something you'll enjoy that also won't be time consuming."

"But why are we in the garden?"

"Were going to start with gardening! We're going to plant a lot of flowers." I said, pointing to the dozens of different and colorful flowers placed near a tree.

"I've marked a patch of land here where we're going to plant those flowers. We're going to take care of them everyday and water them and talk to them and watch them grow."

"Sounds like we're making children."

"These are our children. Because we're going to plant them together. Won't that make us their parents...sort of?"

Ethan let out a hearty laugh. "Let's do this. Let's make children."

We burst out laughing as we each took a shovel and began making the hard soil loose by digging into the earth.

We argued over how we wanted to plant the flowers. I was adamant on making flowers of each type to be planted in rows so that it would look uniform but Ethan wanted to do it randomly. In the end, it was Ethan who won because he said that they were searching for his hobby so he should have a say in how he wanted to do things.

It was good that I had dragged him there in the morning because the sun was burning hot on our skin when we finished with it after two hours. We were both soaking wet in our sweat but proud of our work as we stood admiring it. The flowers looked healthy. I had bought them just last night and none of then had wilted. I was glad we decided to plant them randomly because they looked really pretty. Doing it in a uniform way would've made it look controlled and we preferred it to look natural as if we didn't plant them and that they had grown there on their own.

"This is so beautiful!" Ethan exclaimed. "I'm going to take a picture."

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and clicked a dozen pictures of the same patch of land from various angles. Then he took pictures of us with the flowers in the background.

Ethan liked gardening. He showed a lot of interest and worked hard to plant them with me. This could be a good hobby for him. He enjoyed the process even though there were a few unpleasant moments for him like when we found earthworms and he didn't want to touch the soil for some time after that. We had to call the gardener to pick up the worms and deposit them in the soil somewhere far away from us.

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