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Stop overthinking. You can't control everything, just let it be.

"Honey, that fish is already dead. Why are you trying to kill it again?" Charlotte Jenson asked me with a worried frown on her face.

We were all seated at the dinner table. It was a day after that stupid prank Ethan pulled on me and my anger still knew no bounds. My blood was still boiling.

I hadn't realized what exactly I was doing to the fish as I was more busy imagining Ethan as that fish and doing what I wanted to do with him, stab him to death.

Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the dinner table, right in front of mine. I was pleased with myself to at least get him to feel a little uncomfortable in my presence.

"Sorry," I said quietly and grimaced down at the fish on my plate. In the process of stabbing it over and over again I had also gouged it's eye out. I would've been very happy if it was Ethan in its place and not that poor fish.

I glared at Ethan again who was now watching my plate with his lips slightly parted and nose scrunched up in disgust. I changed my fork as the fish's eye was stuck between it.

"Ethan, did you do something to Juliet? Why is she glaring at you like that? Did you two fight?" Mrs. Jenson asked.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, it's nothing. We didn't fight. And I didn't do anything to her," he said and cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Oh, really?" I muttered but was loud enough to be heard by everyone at the dinner table.

Olivia paid us no attention, probably used to our silly pranks and bickering by now.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Jenson. Everything's fine," Ethan tried to reassure her.

The rest of my time at the dinner table was spent in glaring at Ethan, hoping I'd get a superpower somehow which would enable me to bury him alive a thousand feet under with my eyes so that he could never resurface.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen no matter how much I tried.


The next day, I found a young lady waiting in the living room. I was just passing by when I saw her propped on the couch with a phone in her hand, tapping away on it with her perfectly long manicured nails. She was wearing a nice white shirt and high waisted black jeans with black heels. Her long brown wavy hair with blonde highlights were left loose on her back. She had beautiful grey eyes. She looked really pretty and friendly.

I slowly approached her, unsure about who she was.

Sensing my presence, she looked up. The moment she did, her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. I immediately regretted approaching her.

"Um, how may I help you?"

She frowned at me before answering. "I'm waiting for Ethan. He told me he'll be downstairs in a minute or two. Are you really...," she hesitated, "...Juliet?"

"Of course I am," I said hesitantly, flipping my hair back. What if she went and blabbered to the paparazzi about me?

Her eyes widened. "Juliet? As in Juliet Jenson? The lost and found daughter? My best friend?!"

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