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No great story begins with staying in the same place.

"Hmm," Heather leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. We were in her magnificent room, telling her all that had happened yesterday.

"So, Mrs. Jenson is planning an extravagant party for your birthday?"

"Yes," I breathed out. "Can you tell her not to do that?"

Heather rolled her eyes. "As if she'll listen to me. That woman is more stubborn than me. Unless you yourself tell her that this is not what you want, I doubt she'll change her plans."

"We did try to give her subtle hints about that." I admitted.

Olivia snorted. "If you call randomly shouting at the breakfast bar that you don't like lavish parties subtle, then sure."

"I didn't know how else to tell her!" I defended.

"You could've said something like lavish birthday parties are getting too boring and that's not your style anymore," Olivia said and I kept quiet because I didn't know what to say to her.

"Listen you two, I know what to do to make her stop this. When you two return to the mansion, just make a conversation with each other about this. Make sure Charlotte is listening to you two. Tell her that you would absolutely hate what she's planning. She'll surely change her plans after that."

"That's a good plan!" Olivia agreed. "Why didn't we think of this before?"

"Because you guys panic to the point where you don't use your brains. So you need someone like me."

"Thank you so much for all the help, Heather. I think I would've been busted on the day of that car launch party if it weren't for you."

"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Charlotte and Alistair's happiness. They can't know about this."

I nodded. "I'll try everything I can to keep this between the three of us."


A deafening silence fell among us and I was itching to bring up the topic of our colleges.

Heather had an expression on her face that was asking me what the hell were we still doing in here and that we could leave. But I couldn't. I needed to clear up this mess.

"I wanted to talk about something else too."

"Well, what is it?"

"I'm not sure if you'll understand but I hope you do. It's important for the both of us."

"Are you going to come straight to the point or not? I haven't got all day so I'll appreciate it if you hurry up and tell me what's wrong," She seemed impatient. "I have a dinner date with Ethan and it's important I go."

"Sorry. It's just about our colleges. They were closed for summer but they're going to reopen in ten days and it's important that we attend. We are commoners and our only chance at a good life is if we finish college and get a good job with a decent pay. Because of this situation that we're in, I don't know how I'm going to continue my education."

Heather raised an eyebrow. "That's all? I thought it was something big."

"Do you mind if we went to college?"

"You can't go to college. You'll draw attention to yourself. I don't trust you or your friend to not do something stupid. So you can't go." She said sternly.

I was saddened and didn't know what to do. "But it's important for us. When we get out of here, how are we supposed to support ourselves with no degree?"

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