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Real love doesn't meet you at your best. It meets you in your mess.❞

The first thing I registered when I woke up was that the bed was moving and I looked to see that Ethan had woken up and was hurriedly getting out of bed and putting on his watch and shoes.

"Ethan," I said and he must have been surprised because his eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, Juliet. I don't know why I always do this. I'm not doing it intentionally. I just...always find myself here in the morning. I can't help it. I can't go to sleep unless I have a drink but then I always end up here. I know you said you like Vince-"

"Ethan, it's fine. I don't mind. I want to tell you something."

"Yes! I know what it is. I'm supposed to keep my distance and I promised you that I was going to like you from afar so I'll make sure I won't come knocking on your door drunk again."

He quickly got up and grabbed the rest of his things before rushing towards the door.

"No, that's not it. Listen! Wait!"

But he was already out the door.

I groaned into my pillow. I had to tell him. As soon as possible. But before that I had to tell Heather that I wasn't going to stay away from Ethan anymore. I didn't know how she was going to react. This was going to be risky for me.

I quickly changed and had breakfast in a hurry. I wanted to talk to Ethan during breakfast but figured that talking to Heather about us would be the best before I made a move.

I arranged for a driver and told him to take me to Heather's mansion. We soon arrived and I told the maid that I wanted to talk to Heather urgently.

She was thankfully not busy and she ushered me into her room before shutting the door for some privacy.

"So what brings you here so early in the morning?" She asked as she blow dried her hair. Apparently she had just gotten out of shower.

"I need to talk about Ethan. I don't want to do this anymore." I yelled over the loud noise of the blow dryer.

She switched it off and set it down on her vanity.

"What did you say?"

I plucked up the courage to repeat my words. "I don't want to do this. I don't want to stay away from him. I like him and he likes me and we're already in too deep. We can't go back now."

"I was hoping you would be a lot stronger to endure this."

"I feel like what you wanted me to do was what made me weak." I muttered low enough for her to not hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I just want you to know that I'm not a gold digger. I genuinely like him and I can't stay away from me. I don't want to."

"Look, I know feelings can't be controlled but think rationally. What are you two going to do in the future? How is this ever going to work out? Are you going to marry him? Have his kids? What are you going to do when he finds out who you really are? Are you even sure he likes you? Because in his eyes you are Juliet, the girl he hated when they were kids but now he has grown to like. In reality, he likes a complete stranger. He didn't even know the name of this stranger. So really he likes a girl who is a combination of you and Juliet but that girl didn't even exist. It is this image you've created in his head. You two are just headed for an inevitable heartbreak, unless he manages to forgive you for deceiving him and playing with his emotions."

The Billionaire's Unauthentic Daughter ✔Where stories live. Discover now