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"Yes?" Ruby answered Tessa

"Point to which women is your mum"

Ruby looked between you and Kim then pointed at Kim.

You breathed in a sigh of relief

'Oh thank God'

"I still don't believe this" Tessa sighed "Why not? Shouldn't a little girl know who her mother is?"

You defended yourself "Yes but Kim sounds uneasy" "It's just that...well-" Thankfully Kim finished your sentence for you saying a better excuse

"I wasn't ready to tell you people because...well you know" Kim said and stood up and went into another room "This is crazy" Areum said with a satisfied smile on her face "What is?" Arai asked her

"Y/n loves to neglect the children she actually has and wants to take things that don't belong to her"

"You just know how to be a bitch right?" You slightly shouted death glaring Areum "Y/n language!  Children are still here" "No, shut the fuck up" "Oh god children let's go" Arai said taking Jada, Jade and Ruby to the other room "What did you say to me?" Areum's said coming towards you "Open your ears and close your mouth and stop sucking dick!" "Bitch!"

Areum's slapped you, but you were quick to think and you grabbed her hair throwing her to the ground, you got on top of her and started shaking her head making sure to bang her head on the floor each time.

On the other side Jimin was just sitting down whilst watching the both of you without an expression whilst Taehyung was calling for Kim's help and Yoongi and Hoseok were busy pulling the both of you apart "Y/n stop she looks weird?!?" Tessa shouted slightly questioning her speech "Break it up guys!!" Hoseok was shouting "Im tired!" Yoongi shouted and everyone looked at him questionably

"What? Can't a man sleep?" Jimin pushed the two boys aside and carried you of Areum, slightly back hugging you and put you on his shoulder going to the kitchen
He placed you down on the counter and waited for you to calm down "Are you calm now?" You looked down still panting and slowly nodded your head "What was that?" he questioned you coldly "It-it wasn't me" "But you was doing the most" "Didn't you see what she was doing out there" "You have to control yourself"

He kept looking at you trying to gain eye contact

"I have to control my self?!? YOU CAN'T EVEN CONTROL YOURSELF" You got angry that Jimin was blaming you for doing things you didn't do

"THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM! ITS YOURS I ALWAYS HELP YET YOU ALWAYS CHOOSE TO GO AWAY" "BUT WHO IS THE ONE WHO TOLD ME TO LEAVE" "I DID NOT FORCE YOU!" He shouted even louder at this point. Taehyung walked in but stopped when he heard and saw you two arguing.

'He practically told me to get out, he pushed me and neglected me, he said he didn't love me and he loved areum's what was I supposed to do?!?'

You was getting angry and it's true you couldn't control it so you just slapped Jimin really hard, harder than you hurt Areum.

He looked to the side with his cheeks getting redder by the second  'Shit, shit, shit' "I-I-" You stuttered "Save it" He interrupted you and licked his lips and left barging into Taehyung on purpose

Taehyung walked over to you without saying anything and hugged you whilst you cried into his shoulder "What have I done wrong now, he blamed me on everything, EVERYTHING.

I didn't do anything yet everything that goes wrong is my fault, what did I ever do to deserve this Tae, am I that much of a bad person" You kept taking whilst Taehyung rubbed and pat your back

"Relax Y/n, your just too tense now" "But Tae what's going wrong?" "Y/n he's not in his right mind now" "Is that the reason why he's shouting at me for no reason"

You looked up into Taehyung eyes and he chuckled and put your head back on his shoulder

"Jimin is a weird and secretive guy as you may know, I don't know anymore Y/n, I don't know" Taehyung said rubbing your back as you hiccuped into his shoulder.

Taehyung said pushing you a bit away so that he could clearly see your shoulder

"What's this?"

Taehyung said looking at the little designed holes in your dress "What's what?" You looked to where he was looking the saw he was looking directly at the hickies Jimin was giving you


He pointed at the red mark,Taehyung said pushing you a bit away so that he could clearly see your shoulder 

"Oh well...I burnt my self" "But why is it here as well" He pointed toward the back of your neck "Well I'm clumsy, you know me" "Your lying" "I know that Jimin did this"

He looked a bit annoyed "Jimin?" "Y/n please don't lie to me" You just looked down "I'm sorry for letting you down...again Tae"

He lifted your chin up and looked into your eyes "You would never let me down Y/n"

You don't know why but at that time Taehyung reminded you a lot of Jimin and you both leaned in, getting lost in each other's eyes and slowly your lips met, moulding themeves into the right shape as you kissed each other.

You pushed Taehyung away "Sorry I'm sorry Tae" "No I'm-" Taehyung stopped because a glass crashed on to the floor making a loud noise.

You both looked to where it came from and saw Kim with a lot of tears in her eyes "Kim it's not what it looks like" "So much for not liking Taehyung bitch" "It's my fault Kim, don't blame Tae" "He's your Tae not mine, just like Ruby is yours and not mine, Areum's right you do like to take things away"

"Kim but I love you" Taehyung said trying to back you both "Love? Well I don't" She said and ran away probably to her house cause they were neighbours.

You felt your breathing getting heavier and soon you couldn't properly breathe

"T-Tae" "Y/n are you okay" You took Taehyungs hands away from you and slowly walked to the front door "C-Can't b-breathe"

You walked out to the pavement and knelt down trying to steady your breathing "H-Help I-i c-can't can't" Your vision started to blur and the next thing you saw was black 'it's just better if I leave, I ruin everything anyway'

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