"Dont yell at me im sensitive!"

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Everyone girl is different on there period. Some are sad all week some aren't bothered some got bad cramps some don't.

Well I ,Kaylee Williams, am all of the above. I get bad cramps, I get every single emotion in the book. I'm mad on hour and then crying the next. I'm just an emotion rollercoaster.

Also my periods last for almost two whole weeks. I don't know why but it just happens and it makes me mad.

"Woah Kaylee you look horrible." Metri said as I got into her car.

I knew I did. I didn't have my eyebrows on. I didn't have any lipgloss on. I was wearing baggy sweat pants and a white sweatshirt with all of Justin Bieber's tattoos. My hair was in a ponytail at the top of my head, my curls were falling in my face.

I didn't even have my Jordan's on I was wearing dirty converse I got in 7th grade for hip pop dance number, I went to a arts school. (My feet haven't grown)

"It's that time of the month." I said pushing the chair all the way back.

"Ohhh. Well sucks to be you right now." She said laughing.

"I hate you." I whined. "When you on yours imma do the same thang."

"You tripping." She said.

"Nope. Imma be like sucks to be you and walk away." I said seriously.

We get to school and I walk over to the football fields.

"Hey beat frei-" Gelo trailed off.

I gave him a look and he backed away slowly.

A person comes from behind me and gives me a hug.

"Who ever this is. Why are you touching me?" I said with a attitude.

"What wrong with her?" I hear Melo ask.

"It's just not a good time." Metri said. "Give her like a week."

"What does that mean?" Melo said.

"Give her a week and she'll back to normal.. are picking up what I'm putting down?" Metri said trying to tell him that I'm on my period without actually saying it.

"No . I'm not." Melo said.

"This week is a very emotional." She said. "Maybe chocolate will help her out."

"Oh I understand now." Gelo said.

"Yeah I'm still not getting it."

Gelo whispered in his ear. I'm guessing he telling him.

"Oh. Ohhh." Melo said. "I'm sorry."

He just gave me a hug and from behind. He knows I don't want to be touched.

"Leave me alone." I said trying to get out of the hug.

"Nope." Melo said holding me tighter.

"Melooooo. Stop."

"Nope. I'm stronger than you. You're not leaving until the bell rings."

I stop trying and turn around in his arms to lay my head on his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist.

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