"You F'd up.'

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Me and Metri we're at my locker the day after me and Melo broke up. She's been talking to me but I could tell she was mad at me. Hell , I was mad at myself.

Melo hasn't deleted any photos of us off his Instagram... yet. I haven't either and I don't think I ever will. I'd just change the captions.

I look horrible today. I got these ugly 13s on with sweats and a Victoria secret shirt on.

"You want me to walk you to class?" Metri asked.

"Yes please." I said. She grabbed my hand and interlocking our fingers and swung our Arms back and forth. On the way to class I saw Melo Gelo Eli O and a lot of others leaning against the wall.

Me and Melo made Eye contact until he told Gelo and then he was going to class. He looked back at me and rolled his eyes shaking his head.

He looked just as bad as me making me feel bad. I didn't know someone apologizing could turn into this.

"You fucked up." Metri said truthfully."big time lil dog."

"Trust me. I know." I said rolling my eyes.

She dropped me off to class and I went to her own. The day dragged by and I realized that I don't know where I would sit a lunch. Or who I would talk to in gym because Metri has a assignment to finish.

You better figure that out now because the bell just rung and it's time for gym.

I walked into the gym and sat completely on the other side of the bleachers. I could feel some eye on my as I walked and sat.

"Hey." I heard Daijon say sitting beside me.

"You don't hate me?" I asked.

"Now how could I hate my little sister?"

"Everyone else hates me." I said.
"Nobody has even said a word to me all day."

"Melo doesn't hate you. He's just hurt and if you talk to him and tell him what you told me. What actually happened he'll believe you but for right now he only has that picture and what Victoria said to him."

I made a face.

"She told him that you and him had been hanging out for a while behind his back."

"What the fuck?" I said . I put my head in my hands. "I'm gonna do so back today and tomorrow."

We have back to back games this week. Today, Thursday, and tomorrow.

"Nah you won't. You'll do fine you just gotta check out during the game don't worry bout nothing that not in between those lines."

"Good advice . Okay DC the Don. I see you." I said.

"I mean you already know what it is. It's DC the therapist ya feel me?" He said doing the light skins face. That made me laugh for the first time in two days.

"Ah I missed that laugh. " he said sticking his finger in my dimple.

" I miss him." I said looking at LaMelo shooting hoops with his ear phones in. Nobody bothered him, Nobody got close to him . Everyone just sat back and let him to his thing.

"He misses you too." Daijon said. Y'all will be back to normal in like or 2-3 days."

"That's a long time." I whined throwing my head back .

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