Growing up.

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Lately people have been asking me for pictures and auto-graphs. After school me Melo Gelo Metri and Zo all went On a smoothie run.

Zo let me drive his car because neither him or Gelo wanted to drive and they didn't trust Melo.

"Man I wanna drive." Melo said. "She's 14 I'm 15 why can't I drive."

"Shut up Melo." Metri said

"Yeah. Stop gassing cause you know you suppose to be a freshman." I said backing out the drive way.

"You got caught ha!" Zo said from beside me.

"So it's denies birthday next week and I don't know what to get her what do girls like?" Zo said asking me.

"Uh I don't know what other girls like." I said .

"Well she has to much soccer stuff already. She already has a lot of Victoria secrets stuff so I don't know what she has and what she doesn't have." Zo said huffing and sitting back. "You people are stressful."

"Oh I got an idea. But does she like spa days and fancy restaurants?"

"Yeah she does."

"Okay well you can do like a scavenger hunt like Melo did with me." I said.

"What you mean?" Gelo said jumping into our conversation.

I knew he was listening cause he's always listening to others conversations that's how he always knows what's going on because he's observant. No really cares that he listens though because he's so quite he won't tell anyone.

"I mean like a schedule type thing. Since she gonna be waking up at like 11 cause it's a Saturday. So like slide a schedule under her door and run out the house right?" I said making sure he's staying with my idea.

"Yeah I'm with you. Writing it down as you talk." Zo said .

"And if he's not listening I'll remember." Gelo said knowing his brother will miss a step.

"She's see the schedule and its will give her places to go at specific times. So at like 11-12 she will be getting ready. From 12:30 to 2:30 it's will be a spa day with a friend of your choice where she gets her nails and toes done with a facial. From 3 to 4:30 it could be mall time." I said giving him ideas.

"But instead of her going to buy stuff this is where the scavenger hunt comes in. Along with the schedule there will be a list of stores that you have already pre-paid clothes and stuff from. When she gets there she will get the items and a little note hand written from you."

"Slow down. I can't type that fast Kaylee." Zo said.

" this is a really good idea though." Metri said.

"When did you come up with this?" Melo asked.

"Yeah us girls dream about things like this." I said telling the truth. Most girls have there dream date planned out in there head or there dream wedding.

"This is your dream birthday surprise?" Melo asked.

"No its the way I would want to be proposed to." I said.

"You already have that planned out?" Gelo asked sounding surprised.

"Yeah. Most girl have big events already planned in there head. It's may not happen but it's always fun to think about it." Metri said from in between Melo and Gelo.

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