Ex-Best friend drama.

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. I'm trying to get over what happened with her but I just can't. I don't go out anymore I just stay home. It's not like I can do much anyway. My leg is still gigantic.

It's been a week since me and Metri stopped being friends and I'm still shook, gelo's still shook. I miss her but I have to get over it cause she's not good for me. She a snake, I don't fuck with snakes.

"Melo can you grab my medicine?" I asked in a low voice as my teacher talked.

I looked at me and nodded before grabbing my prescribed medicine and giving me two tablets before handing me his sprite.

"Thanks baby." I said giving him a quick kiss. Me and Melo have gotten even closer. He's always by my side. If I go somewhere he goes. If everyone is going to a party he tells them he's staying with me.

I had a long conversation with him telling him he need to live his life and go places with out me. I told him I felt like I held him back because all he does is go to school, practice, come home with me, go home and repeat it the next day. Unless I want to go to the store or something.

He told me he'd much rather go stay with me and make sure I don't break anything then go to a party where he could get drunk and do something stupid.

He reads to much Wattpad.

I always make sure that he is happy and he always tells me he is. He always makes sitting in the house fun and that's why I love him. He's been with me through this whole this whole Metri thing and I think he's really close to perfect.

The bell rings and me and Melo make our way towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"And I was like -" Melo got cut off mid laugh by someone bumping into me making me drop one of me crutches and lose balance. LaMelo had to stabilize me before I fell.

"Oops." Victoria aka laughing.

"Really bro? You trippin." I said bending down to get my crutch getting beat by Melo.

"It's seems that you're always in the way sometimes you need to get knocked down a few." Isabella said.

"Yeah. It's not like you deserve anything good to happen to you." Victoria shrugged.

I looked behind the two girl to see Metri just standing there. She looked uncomfortable but she didn't say anything.

"Kaylee -"

"I don't speak to snakes." I said in a harsh tone. I couldn't believe she was hanging out with them now, after everything they put her through she hangs out with them. Wow.

"Don't talk to her. She salty we stole you from her."

"She told y'all she stopped being friends with me?" I asked the big crowd. They nodded. "Well y'all need to ask her what really happened."

"Now she wants to lie. As I said she just salty we stole Metri away from her."

"You ain't steal shit from me . You got my left overs stop bugging bitch."

I turned around before I started crying. I didn't make any noises Or anything I just let the tear stream down my face.

Melo stopped me pulling me into a vacant hall way type thing. He pulled me into his chest making me drop my crutches for a second time.

"It's okay to cry." He said leaning against the wall and that's when I let everything go. I haven't cried since everything went down with my injuries. I just bottles up all my emotions and there all coming out now.

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