"I didn't do anything!"

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Today me and Metri are at the Ball residence. It's a chill day and everyone is wearing sweats. I don't have a lick of makeup on and neither down Metri.

Melo and me are cuddling on the couch while Eli and his love interest are having an intense game of 2k. Gelo and Metri are laughing at something.

"Guys what's the move?" I asked sitting up from laying on my boyfriends lap.

"Ion know maybe a chill day at the mall you feel me?" Metri said. Everyone agreed and I asked if we were going to invite anyone.

"O, Daijon, will, Quan." Eli said. "Ion feel like dealing with them other niggas today."

"I feel you." Gelo said pulling Metri onto his lap and sitting back on the seat.

They are cute . (Not as cute as me and my baby.) There couple pictures on Instagram are adorable. But of course they are because I took them so I mean .

" I texted Daij and Quan they said they was down." I said.

"Will and O said they coming too." Melo said. "What time we going?"

"It's 3 now so maybe 3:30 since they meeting us here and we don't live that far from the mall." Eli said not talking his eyes away from the T.V.

"Aight. Lemme go put some shorts on." I said making my way to the guest room.

"Need help?" Melo asked. I have him a look. "Hey just asking crip."

"Hey!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him but he ended up catching it.

I went and changed into the shorts I keeps over here. We I walked out the boys were here and Eli was clowning me about how long it look me to change a pair of shorts.

"Aye I'm hurt okay it's talking awhile for me to do everything." I laughed.

"It's okay baby . I understand." Melo said holding me head to his pretty hard chest.

"Thanks boo." I said. "Y'all ready?"

Everyone got up and made there was to the door. We got in our respected cars . Melo, me, Eli and Elis chick went in Melos car cause Metri and Gelo were being to lovey dovey.

The car ride was full of fun and lots of Snapchat. We found out that Eli's new chick is dumb.

When we get to the mall we  decided to be cool but it was actually corny. We got Eli girl to Video us all getting out our cars.

"We are so lame." I said looking at the video. We all  got out the cars and Melo, Metri, Eli and quan took off there glasses and at one point at the video daijon and Melo pointed at each other and laughed.

Then when we got out the Melo wrapped his arm around me because we couldn't hold hand like Metri and Gelo. Quan and daijon did a lil handshake when they got out of Daij car and will and O got out the back seat of Daijon's car and O acted like he was showing will something.

"Let's put it in slow motion." Will said. When we did that it looked fye. Since I edit stuff I said I would make a lot of the video slow mo but some parts I'll but in regular or fast.

"Okay let's go. I got stuff I need to get." Gelo said walking faster than normal. We all go in, Me and Melo being in the back.

"What you gotta get big G." Eli asked.

"New basketball, a chain, some clippers." He said listing stuff off. He had so much I just stopped listening.

Me and Melo were walking when Metri starts walking by him and he walks to the other side of me so I'm now in the middle. I thought it was weird how they have been acting. When ever she's around Melo gets quiet or doesn't answer any questions of hers.

I brush it off and go catch up to Eli.

"Yo do you know what's up with Metri and Melo?" I asked.

"Nah. Why what's going on?" He asked stopping his conversation with O.

"I don't know Melo is just acting weird around her like he doesn't want to be around her.

"Aye Kaylee come get yo friend." Melo said pushed her away from him. I crutch my way back between my boyfriend and my best friend.

This is gonna be a long mall trip.


"I'm so sleepy ." Eli said. We dropped the girl he was with off and we were now back at the Ball residence.

"I feel you." I said. I laid my head on Melos lap again. I take a picture of him from my laying position.

"Why? Why you take pictures of me?" He whined scratching my scalp.

"Because you so cute baby." I say smiling at him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Hey I got to go to my room for a minute." He said lifting my head and putting a pillow under my head to replace him self.

"Aight. Hurry up." I said. He nodded jogging up the stairs.

"Aye Eli play me in FIFA." I said.

"You asking to get yo ass beat." He said throwing me a controller. I didn't feel like sitting up so I was laying on my back with my head turned to the Tv and my leg propped up.

"You look retarded." Gelo said talking about my current position.  I just shrugged because I was comfortable.

"Man Metri move." I said when Metri got up to go to the bathroom or wherever.

"Dang I'm going." She said and left the living room. I was beating Eli by a lot and he was getting mad while I was just chilling.

"Lucky shot." He said as I scored on him.

"Of that was lucky then all my other 5 shots was lucky too." I said. "Or maybe you just suck."

"Bi - girl shut up." He said almost calling me a bitch. I didn't care that he almost did cause he didn't say it. If he did then i would have happened but he stopped himself so.

"If you woulda called her that Melo prolly woulda beat yo ass." Gelo said laughing.

"He to small." I ask laughing.

"Nah you know how he get when he mad. That nigga become strong as fuck." O said.

"Aye where is Metri? I know Melo in his room cleaning before Lavar and Tina get here but I thought Metri was going to the bathroom." I said pausing the game so me and Eli can have a phone break.

"Ion know." Everyone said.

I got up and went to the kitchen to see she wasn't there. The guest room she wasn't there either. Both downstairs bathroom were empty and the back yard was vacant.

I slowly made my way up stairs and went to the bathroom and then I would continue my search.

"Yo Metri get off me." I hear once I got out the bathroom. It sounded like Melo's voice.

"Why?" Clearly that was Metri's voice.

"I don't like you in anyway so back the fuck up bro." This time I knew this was Melo.

I started to make my to the rooms as fast as I could.

"Stop. Metri I'm being -" then he stopped talking.

I was confused until I opened the door.

"I didn't do anything!"

My bad for the late update. Got carried away. Hope y'all like it. I ain't been getting many comment so let's get those back up.

Hoops  •LaMelo Ball•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora