Chapter 35

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Sunlight seeped through the window and drove me away from sleep. I groaned sleepily as if that would hide the sun. Something was pressing against my stomach and that was making me uncomfortable. I reached my hand towards it and found a body tightly wrapped around me. I blinked several times to clear my vision and found that Ethan's hand was circled around me and I was in his bed. The events of the previous night flew in my mind. Damn it! I had fallen asleep here!

I slowly tore his hand away from me. Ethan made faces in his sleeping state but not once he opened his eyes. Once I was successful in getting out of the bed I grabbed my keys and silently sneaked out of the room.


I heard the shutting of the door and that broke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes and tried to sit but I felt as if someone was hammering my head from all sides. I rubbed my head and found that I was still in my work clothes. I slowly remembered the previous night. I was at the bar and I got too much to drink and then.... Then... Oh no, oh no, oh no... Sh*t! Sh*t! I did not just do that. I called Erica and she brought me here. After that I faintly remembered that I was drunkenly kissing her. I was such a fool for doing that. It wasn't like she wasn't already angry with me. She must be hating me for that now. What I did was absolutely wrong although I wanted to do nothing more than do it again and again.

I remembered that I was pouring my heart out to her. I hoped that I didn't say anything hurtful to her but somehow knew that the mistake was already done. I still couldn't believe that Erica had found someone else. She was talking so fondly about him.

My thoughts were disturbed due to my phone ringing on the nightstand. I checked to see that it was from Christine. I was so badly tempted to reject the call but did against.

"Hello baby." She practically screamed through the phone. My head was already hurting so bad and here she was sparing no chance to annoy me.

"Why did you call Christine? If this is one of your annoying shopping things that you want me to go with then you already know the answer." I didn't care if I was sounding rude. From the past few days Christine had been bugging me to go out with her. Of course I had declined. But she never gave up asking me.

"Ethan, I called to inform you that we are having a lunch at that new French restaurant." She said sounding excited.

"I don't remember asking you on a date. Listen Christine, we are not those usual couples that are infatuated with each other so don't expect too much from me. I am doing all this just for the sake of my Dad. I don't want to upset him and just because of that don't keep pushing me for anything. I am not a f*cking toy." I snapped. This whole situation was so frustrating. I was so helpless. I hated to be like this.

"I know that, okay? You don't have to remind me that always, okay? I wouldn't call you unless it was something important. I have something important to tell you." I reluctantly agreed and hung up. Getting up from the bed I got ready to meet her since it was already time for lunch.

An hour and a half later I was already at the restaurant waiting for Christine. She was late and I absolutely hated it. Not that I was desperate to see her but because she seemed genuine when she told me that she had something to say. I hoped it better be worth my efforts.

"Hi baby." Christine came and bend to my level where I was sitting and pressed a peck on my lips. I didn't like it but I resisted the urge to wipe my mouth.

"What did you have to say?" I asked getting straight to the point. She took a seat opposite me and took her own time. I was getting irritated by this behavior of hers. But I waited, waited for her to speak.

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