Day 2

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Aisling's POV
"I met your father yesterday, time for you to meet mine." I say, picking up some fruits on my plate.

Jake looks at me.

"Are you trying to scheme a marriage here?" He says squinting his eyes, the slightest smile tugging at his lips.

I laugh and punch him lightly, still scarred from my incident with Edward.

"Come at around 4."

He nods and smiles. We head back to our table to find Angela, Mike and Jessica talking with Edward and Bella. I never took Edward for the social type.

Casual talk about the never ending rain, weather, homework and Keeping Up With The Kardashians fill our conversations until the bell rings.

"He's here." Jasper says, watching the T.V. I walk over to the door feeling excited.

If I open the door right when he is going to ring the bell, it'll seem stalkerish. The bell rings and I count to 5 before opening the door.

"Hey". He's wearing black shirt with a rustic green jacket and jeans. He looks amazing.

"You must be Jacob." Esme says smiling beside me.

"And you must be Aunt Esme." Jacob smiles back.

"Call me Esme, please make yourself at home."

I lead him upstairs where all the guys are.
"Jake, this is Carlisle. Emmett. Edward and Jasper."

He smiles and shakes his hand with all of them.

"You have such a nice house." Jake says even though I feel his house is better.

Carlisle smiles and thanks him.

I leave Jake there to talk with them while I go get snacks for us.

"He is quite hot." Esme says as soon as I walk in.
"Don't tell me you are falling for him." I cringe at the thought.
Esme laughs and shakes her head.

I head for the snacks drawer and take chips and chocolates out.
"It would be pedophillic." She exclaims.
I chuckle and make my way to the guys.

I hear laughter from their way.

As I walk in, it stops. Suspicious much.

"Let's go." I say to Jake.

He follows me to my room.

"What was that about?" I ask, squinting my eyes.


"You know, you guys laughing like hyenas."

He smiles. "Guy stuff."

I roll my eyes and place the snacks on my table and take out the booklet.

"This is you?" He asks pointing to a picture when I was about 4 years. I nod.

"You were so cute."

"Were?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, puberty did nothing good to you." He jokes and chuckles, earning a eye roll from me.


After doing enough for Day 2 which is just 2 pages of the booklet, we are zooming past the trees to go to a 'special place' as told by Jake.

I hold on to his body tight scared I'll fall off at the speed he's going on the bike.

Before I know it, he slows down to bushes and tall trees.

I get off and look around for anything special. He parks his bike and takes my hand and leads me towards the bushes.
He pushes the bushes away for us to easily walk past.

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