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Aisling's POV
Brushing my teeth, I make my way down to Jasper and Emmett arguing over who will kill the bigger mountain lion while hunting tonight.

"Good morning." I mumble, walking to the bathroom downstairs.

I gasp at the dark circles underneath my eyes.


"You got me a car?!" I shriek, running to the shiny, new automobile in front of our house. "A freaking Mercedes- Benz?" Edward smiles, leaning against the car, holding the keys.

"Can't believe you're a legal adult now." He says, hugging me.

"But a 3 year old mentally." Alice jokes. Rolling my eyes at her, I open the car door and gawk at the interior.

"It has that "new car" smell to it. I love it." I squeak while Edward hands me the keys.

"I'll give you all a ride." I offer. They shake their heads in unison.

"No thanks. We don't want to be killed." Frowning at Emmett's snark comment, I get into the driver's seat, throwing my schoolbag inside.

"Drive safely!" Carlisle shouts as I start the car.

I flash him a thumbs up.


Jacob hid in the shadows of the trees as he listened to Aisling assuring her family that she'll be fine with them gone for the night. Hunting? Those parasites, he thought.

He heard them sprinting off in the dark, their repulsive odor burning his nose. He slowly crept up to the house, just below Aisling's room. He saw a light turn on in her room.

"Aisling!" He whispered.

No reply came back.

He whispered her name again, this time a little louder.

He heard the shuffling of feet and the creak of the window as it opened.

"Jake?" Aisling has a look of shock in her eyes. Her hair is tied back in a messy ponytail with small, loose strands of hair framing her face.

"Yeah, it's me. I came to say something." Jacob jumps swiftly, his feet landing on a branch. From there he jumps effortlessly to the base of the window.

"Hey, cute pjs." Jacob smiles as he lands on the floor or Aisling's room.

"You tell me to go away and never talk to you and suddenly now after a month, you jump into my room and say 'cute pjs'?" Aisling huffs out, pissed.

"Look, I'm sorry for being a dick." Aisling raises her eyebrow ever so slightly.

"I don't know how to explain everything to you. All I know is I love you and I don't want to lose you." Jacob places his warm hand on Aisling's face. he brings his face closer to her, their lips almost touching.

"Have you ever had a secret? A secret you couldn't tell anyone. That's what it's like for me right now." Jacob whispers.

Aisling sighs and pulls away. "I hate this, I hate what they've done to you. I mean, don't you have a choice or something?"

"I'm in it for life, Ais. I can't just run away from this." Jacob sits on the couch.

"Maybe, we should just get out of here for a while, you and me."

Jacob looks up into Aisling's eyes.

"You'd do that for me?"

"For you, I would, Jacob." Aisling leans in, her lips crashing into Jacob's. All the longing she felt disappears when his huge, warm arms engulf her whole body. Their lips move in symphony, their hands roaming each other's body, making up for lost contact over the last month.

"I missed you so bad, Aisling. I'm sorry I ever left you. I was stupid." Jacob mumbles in between kisses.

Jacob pulls Aisling into his chest.

"You started keeping stuffed bears on your bed?" Jacob smiles.

"Hey, it's cute. Don't hate on it." Aisling protests, earning a chuckle from him.

"And don't you own a shirt?" Aisling looks up to Jacob, grinning.

"It's more comfortable shirtless. Besides, you know you love me shirtless." Jacob smiles receiving an eye roll from Aisling.

Aisling yawns loudly. "You need to sleep." Jacob tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, we have a lot to catch up on." Aisling insists.

"We can catch up all you want tomorrow. Right now, sleep. I'll stay with you." Jacob whispers, his hands playing with her hair.

Aisling mumbles goodnight, closes her eyes, giving into the warmth of Jacob's body sinking into sleep.

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