Chapter 3

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Noah was walking away and I was staring at his back until he disappeared. I lifted my hand and touched my cheek where he had kissed me. It felt so warm and ticklish. I smiled trailing my hand on the cheek. What are you doing? I mentally slapped myself it was just a small gesture sweet but small it does not mean anything. Just take your stuff and leave before you do something you will regret.

I took my stuff and drove home tuning into the radio singing along to keep my mind of Noah. So what if he is the most beautiful boy you have ever seen and his eyes draw you in. I had known him for two days and he was already getting to me. I pushed those thoughts aside and crept into my warm and soft bed.

 I got up with my alarm buzzing and like every day I got up and dressed quickly in a denim short skirt and a green tank top. I considered changing this skirt is not very short that I looked like a slut or something but still short. I decided to leave it on and quickly applied some clear gloss and never really bothered with the makeup, grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

“Good morning!  You are going somewhere?" I asked. He was formally dressed and had a suitcase near the counter.

“Yes I have an important meeting. I will back in two days. Take care of yourself and mom ok?”Said dad and started reading the paper again.

I finished eating and hurried towards my car. I reached school took my bag and started walking. From the corner of my eye I saw some moment and I turned my head towards it.

Noah was kissing some girl against a car. His hands were all over her body, disappointment rushed through me. Why do I care? He can kiss anyone he wants. I turned on my heel and started walking again.

Someone put an arm around my shoulder and I quickly looked to see Will smiling at me.

“Don’t bother with him. He is a player. Don't waste your time on him.” He said warmly with a concerned expression.

“I wasn’t planning on it. I don’t care.” I lied but he seems to buy it and smiled at me.

 Will was really sweet and funny we walked into the class and went our separate ways to our "regular” seats. I reached my seat and sat down quickly.

After few moments Noah walked in looking like a male model in his dark blue ripped jeans and a tight grey t-shirt clinging to his perfect body. He came and sat next to me putting a stop to my drooling. I looked away quickly blushing that he knew I was checking him out because he was smirking at me.

“You look nice today.” He said smiling at me making me feel weak in my knees but I knew he didn’t mean it I don’t look nice he is kidding.

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