Chapter 4

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Noah walked up to me and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He then went to his car which was two slots away from mine. I got into my car and started the engine. I was following Noah to his house. We drove for a few minutes before stopping on a street. I looked around the street it was empty and had only two houses opposite each other.

 I grabbed my bag and stepped out of my car. The house on the right side was Noah’s which was bigger than the one on the left side. I walked up to Noah and we made our way towards the house. The house was beautiful. It had a garden in the front and the path was made between it heading to the front porch.

Noah unlocked the door and stood there holding it for me to get in first. I smiled he is so sweet. I stepped in and gasped the house was even more beautiful from inside. It had a big lounge and a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. There was even a huge collection of DVDs and the interior was white and the walls cream colored.

“My room is upstairs all my stuff is there. Come on” he said tilting his head towards the stairs before starting to walk.

I followed him up the stairs. His room was on the first floor last door on left. He opened door and nodded at me telling me to go in first. I mumbled thanks and entered his room.

His room was neat and tidy with a king size bed and cream color walls. There was a huge window facing his backyard which had a swimming pool. On other wall there were some pictures of him winning a trophy and some of them of as a child?

“Your house is beautiful. Do you live alone? I asked I had not seen anyone yet and it was very quiet. I am alone with Noah at his place oh God!

He nodded,” I live alone my dad is always working. He is busy man.” He said frowning. What about his mom? I thought of asking but decided to let it go.

He spoke again,” Why you ask? Afraid you will not be able to control yourself around me when we are alone?” he said smirking at me and winking before turning to remove his book.

“Shut up! Let’s start shall we?” I asked politely removing the things we will need.

“We can start whenever you want I am always ready.” He said cockily. He is such a flirt at this speed we will take months to finish the work.

“I have had enough Noah. I am here for the assignment. You are a player and have many girls throwing themselves at you so please spare me. I am not interested.” I said angrily and looking at him so he would know I am serious.

We both just stood there in silence looking at each other before he spoke again,” I am sorry was just kidding.” He said holding up his hands innocently.

“Besides you are too sweet for my liking. I don’t go for girls like you. No offence but I was hoping we both could be friends and nothing else.” He said smiling at me warmly.

 A part of me was relieved but a part of me was disappointed pushed it aside.” A friend is great but please stop with the you’re flirting. I don’t like it.” I said honestly and smiled at him.

“Ok will tone it down but I can’t completely stop it’s against my nature to not flirt in the presence of a beautiful girl.” He said smiling at me sweetly.

 I melted seeing him smile and blushed. “You think I am beautiful?” I asked curiously looking at him for any signs of lying.

“I think you are very beautiful. I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you.” He said looking at me intently.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and knew that he was not lying. I blushed and looked away from his intense gaze.” Thank you.” I said and smiled.

He smiled tenderly at me and asked, “You want anything to drink before we start working?”

“Um…no I am good.” I said smiling sitting on the bed and removing my book and other things.

“No need to be so formal. We are friends right? So what can I get for you? Don’t be shy.” He saidwaiting for me to answer him.

“Ok anything is fine. Get me whatever you are having.” I said waving my hand dismissively.

He nodded and left the room to get drinks and I turned to my book trying to pick out a topic for us to work. He came back with two cans of coke. Handing me my drink and he plopped on the bed besides me.

“Thanks.” I said opening my can and taking a sip.

 “You are welcome."I have a feeling we both are going to be good friends.” He said smiling and with an amusing expression on his beautiful face.

I smiled at that. I hope we both can be good friends and maybe more than that. I quickly snapped out of it and started work on the assignment.

We spent hours working on the assignment. He was actually very easy to get along and really funny. We spent half the time chatting and laughing. I was surprised to see that he was actually a nice guy. Funny, sweet and caring at school he behaved completely different. As if he has a split personality.

I spent nearly two hours at his house. I haven’t had so much fun in ages. I packed my stuff up and checked his room to see whether I took everything. Noah walked me to his door and leant in and kissed me on my cheek.

 A familiar tingling sensation shot up through my system and I tried hard not to blush because Noah was standing in front of me and too close. I could feel his hot breath blowing across my face. His face inches away from mine.

 “I had a great time with you today.” Noah said honestly looking into my eyes and I could tell he was not lying.

 “I had a great time too.” I said honestly looking into his beautiful blue eyes. I never wanted to look away. I could stand here all day looking into his eyes.

He moved away from me and I felt the loss of his touch. We exchanged numbers and he then walked me towards my car. I had memorized the roads while coming here so I should have no problems. I stepped in my car.

 “Drive safely. Bye.” Noah said.

 I looked in my rear view mirror. Noah was standing at the exact spot watching me drive away. His image vanished when I turned left to go home. I sighed and tuning the radio and driving home singing along. It had been a long day. I could'nt keep the smile off my face.I was so happy because of Noah. Wow! I am in trouble. I will never be able to forget this day. Everything was perfect, Noah was perfect from inside and outside too.

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