Chapter 17

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Picture of Liam ----------- >

I woke up in the morning with a killer headache. I always suffer in the morning if I cry at night. I got out of the bed and stretched like cat. I was still wearing Noah’s shirt; I must have fallen asleep in it. He had given this shirt to me when I stayed over at his for the first time. I miss him so much. I have not stayed over at his place for almost a month now. I always loved to spend the night with him.

I always slept well when he was there. I have not slept that peacefully for a month now. I felt so safe and comfortable wrapped in his arms. It will never be the same again. I sighed and grabbed my phone to look at the time, it was still early. I hadn’t finished a little of my homework given yesterday because of the movie plan. I guess I will leave for school a little early and finish my homework there itself.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and then stepped into the shower. After a long and relaxing shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and came out. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a red color v-neck t-shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and applied my clear lip-gloss. I took my bag and keys and left my room. My parents were already at the counter and were talking about something. The moment they saw me, they stopped talking.

Are they talking about me? They never behave this way, something’s fishy. I plopped on a chair and poured myself a cup of coffee. I looked up to see my parents watching my every move intently. This is so weird, I am sure they want to say something to me. “Is everything ok?” I asked politely taking a bite of my toast.

“Yes. And you?” My dad asked. I frowned, my dad was waiting for me to answer and mom was looking at me with a worried expression.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked shrugging and taking a sip from my coffee. Shit, did they know about Noah? Oh God! I hope not. Are my eyes still puffy or something?

My dad leaned on the table looking at me with a serious expression. “You seem different now days. You spend more time in your room, you seem a little lost.” He said.

My mom nodded in agreement. “You are in your own world and sometimes you are so quiet we don’t even know if you are in the same room. It’s like you are sad or unhappy. We are worried about it sweetie, it’s been a few days now.” My mom said reaching for my hand on the table.

I felt so bad, I didn’t want to lie to them but I couldn’t even tell them truth. They don’t need me to worry about, they are enough stressed out about their jobs. This is my problem, I can’t drag them down with me, and it will be so unfair. I guess from now I will have to behave like I use to. I use to smile all the time but now I have no reason to be happy. But I have a reason to be sad.

“I am fine. Nothing is wrong, just a little stress about school. It’s nothing I can’t handle. So, stop worrying about me ok?” I said squeezing my mom’s hand reassuringly.

I needed to be strong in front of them. “If you say so, we won’t. We believe you.” My dad said smiling at me and mom nodded in response. I hate lying to them but I have to. I just need a little time and I will be ok. I sighed who was I kidding? I was going to be like this now.

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