Chapter 23

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The next week passed peacefully at least for me. I avoided being alone with Noah as much as I could. It was hard going all distant on him but I was just trying to save myself from any pain. He never hurts me intentionally but unintentionally sometimes his words and actions hurt me a lot. Staying away from him is almost like torture but it has to be done.

I was walking down the hallway with a book in my hand after school. Just two weeks the finals will start and after a month the school will be over. I was going through my notes carefully when someone threw an arm around my shoulder. I looked up to see Will smiling at me.

“Today is Friday.” He said. I love Fridays because after that no school for two days and I can do whatever I want. This weekend I have a shopping trip planned with the girls.

“Yeah I know. So?” I asked looking at him curiously. He looked little unsure about telling me what was on his mind.

I reached my locker and opened it to keep the books. Will stood next to me rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Just spit it out.” I said.

“Noah is throwing a party today. Are you coming?” He asked. No way was I going to his party. He will insist on me staying over then one thing will lead to another like last time.

I shook my head fiercely. “No, I don’t want to come. I won’t.” I said honestly. I have been working really hard to keep Noah at the bay. I didn’t want to ruin all the efforts I had taken in one night. Every party has always lead to something more than just having fun at least for me.

“I know why you don’t want to come but still it will be fun. All of us are going.” He said.

“You guys have fun, I will be fine. Anyways I am no fun.” I said easily. Its true I am a pretty boring person, I have always been like that. I was never a fun kind of a person but the others are. They know how to enjoy themselves even in a dull sitaution.

“I knew you won’t agree but I had to try right?” He said smiling at me. I was thankful that he was not forcing me.

" always try." I said. Will understood me pretty well but somethings, he just didnt get it. He has being really helpful to me in all this I have been going through.

Will has been dropping me home after school instead of me waiting till Noah finishes his practice. Noah still picked me up in the morning and I have been making stupid excuses for not letting him come over for dinner but they have worked.

I was about to step in Will’s car when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see a woman aged around 45-50 with brown hair and blue eyes. I was seeing her for the first time in my life but she seemed so strangely familiar by her looks like I have seen her before. I was trying to remember where I had seen this woman before.

“Excuse me, have you seen Noah anywhere? Noah James.” She asked smiling at me warmly. Why is she looking for Noah?

“I don’t really know.” I said apologetically. Call me crazy but I know her, I just don’t remember where I have I seen her before.

“It’s ok, I will wait here then.” She said smiling at me. I looked at her intently trying to figure out why she seems so familiar.

Will shook me, making me flinch. “Are you going to stand here all day?” he asked looking around the school.

It was something about that woman that stumped me but I am not able to understand what. Her eyes, her features they look so similar, why can’t I remember? It suddenly dawned on me and my breath was caught in my throat, this can’t be it. “I need to go. I will come with Noah.” I said to Will and ran to the gym.

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