Chapter 7: Pain

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Pain sat there, straight up in the chair. He's been sitting there since he entered the medical room. Seeing that Trust was still asleep kinda bothered him. He wanted to talk to him and speak of his experience of the mission and how being shot felt. It strange for Louis to want to ask these questions but he really wanted to. He can't quench his yearn to hear about it. He sighed to himself. "Jade would be disappointed if I did this." Pain said. "I will not go against Jade. Never. Not in a million years." He looked at Trust. "Hm. Agent Trust. Best at long range combat and a wise man to say the least." Louis laughed. "Being wise can get you killed friend. Luckily you have family watching and protecting you. If I was a foe I could have killed you. But then I would be killed for that and I'm too important to die." He laughed. "I wonder how that spar is going. I sure hope my dear friend Sorrow beats Hatred and Anxiety. No offense, but Hatred annoys me with her talk about a date. I don't have time for a date, only if it was with Jade." Louis smirked. "I think I should. Maybe we could go out for pizza or something. As long as she doesn't invite Love and Anticipation along. She's always trying to get Love to admit his feelings to her. It's obvious the two go well together. Heck, in my eyes they are meant for eachother." Louis sighs. "Love... His emotion says it all. One girl in his life grants him that. Interesting it is but I hate being nosey."

After a while of Louis sitting there, Trust slowly started to open his eyes. "P-pain?" Louis looked at him. "Yes it is me. I came to check on you. How are you doing friend?" Trust sat up, wiping his eyes. "I'm fine. Well I guess the mission was successful if I ended up here in one piece." Louis laughed and nodded. "Yes, your mission was a success. We also received a new agent." Trust raised a brow to Louis. "Already?" Louis nodded. "Yes. The Contractor was very serious about this new agent. Agent Sorrow to be exact." Trust shook his head. "I'm afraid to ask her story." Louis's right eye twitched a little at that comment. He wanted to punch Trust for what he said. Luckily, he calmed himself trying to think the positive of what he said. "Heh. Well friend. I better go meet this new agent for myself. You wanna come?" Trust shrugged. "I think it would be best for me to go to check on Anxiety. She is my sister and all." Louis smiled. "I forgot she was your sister. I'm sure she did fine." Trust laughed. "Knowing Tara, she got herself in trouble or was too cocky beforehand. Y'know, the usual with her." Louis nodded, laughing a little. "I sure understand that. She seems to always be too cocky. She is a very interesting woman I'd say." Trust agreed to that. "Yeah, she is quite the troublemaker. I'm surprised she hasn't been in trouble, captured, or worse." Louis patted Trusts back. "Eh. Your sister is smart. I'm sure she will be fine. Besides, she has a great brother like you to take care of her." Trust laughed a little at that. "That's true. I just hope I always can. It would be a shame to not. She's been there with me since birth. Having a twin is alot of work."  Louis and Trust share a laugh. Even though Louis never had a twin, he does understand that. Sometimes people think Love and him could be twins. Everyone says they take this agent and assassin thing too seriously. Louis and Love accept that. The two say it helps with their bro thing. "Yeah, well sometimes I feel as if Love is a twin. He sure feels like a brother." Trust nodded. "I can see it. You two work well together. Most of the time you, him, or Hope are leading the missions. It's very cool to watch you three lead. Each one of you have different leadership styles." Louis agreed.

After a while of the two talking they heard the door open. Louis looked over to her. "Ahh. Agent Despair. It's good to see you." Despair smiled. "It's good to see you both." She walked over. There was an awkward silence between the three until Trust broke it. "How was the mission Despair?" She stood for a minute thinking through her answer. "It was good. It was a success. We ran into a little bit of trouble but other then that, we succeeded. We have the plans and preparing a follow up mission to our next target." Louis nodded. "Good job. Happy to know it was successful." Despair nodded to Louis. "Thanks." She looked to Trust. "I heard about you getting shot. Are you alright Trust darling?" She looked at him, she seemed a little worried about him. She was always so kind to her fellow assassins, acting as a mother to them at times. "Sweet Love told me everything that happened. I hope you heal well." Trust smiled to her. "Thanks Loey, I appreciate you coming to check on me." She smiled. "Anything for me sweet family." She hugged him. "If you ever need anything at all, just ask." Louis sighed. She looked over to him. "Is kind Louis jealous?" Louis shook his head. "No, Not at all. I think I should be leaving now." He smiled and waved to them both and stood up. "Have a good day. It was a fun chat." He walked over to the door and opened it. "Thanks Louis, for checking up on me." Trust said, waving back. Louis nodded to him and walked out. After he closed the door, he began walking down the hall. "Did you win your spar, Sorrow." Sorrow appeared behind him and started following. "Of course. Those two were weak." Louis nodded. "Good job. Now let's get you apart of this next mission."

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