Chapter 10: Shame

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He sat there in the vehicle waiting. He heard the sirens everywhere. He sighed. He was impatient for them.  He always hate having to wait for others. He sighed. He finally saw Fury and Despair exit the building. The two hopped in quickly. "Thanks Shame darling. I'm happy you are at least a gentleman. Fury blew people up." She said climbing in the front seat. Shame turned around to Fury. "What? It needed to be done." Shame turned back facing forward. "Cops are after us. Buckle and shoot if need." Shame pressed on the gas. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw three cop cars chasing after them. "Well, I didn't think you would bring a party Shame darling." She pulled out a pistol, rolling down the passenger side window. "Me and Despair will deal with our friends. Focus on driving Shame." Fury said, rolling down his window. Shame wanted to kill them himself but he knew his role on the mission was to get them out. He looked to the road. He saw a possible highway or downtown with lots of vehicles. He thought about it. Town could be a quick way but the highway will hell us in killing them, no witnesses. He jerked the wheel turning thw car onto the highway.

It's been fifteen minutes into this escape and the cops are still right behind. "Can you two shoot one already." Despair laughed. "Right." The two finally opened fire at the cops, who returned gunfire back. Shame kept using other cars as cover to avoid being hit. "Ones down!" Fury called out. Shame looked in the rear view mirror and saw one of the cop vehicles turn off the road. "Two more to go!" Despair said. Shame felt a little nervous about this but he knew they would somehow pull out. They have to, this mission alone was important to the Contractor and a test. He sighed. He really hoped Fury and Despair don't ruin this. He looked at his speed and he was shocked. He was going a good 106 mph. He smirked and went back to focusing on driving.

After a while the two were in the vehicle with the windows up. They had successfully gotten away. "Great now we have a good hour or two of a drive till we reach the evac." Fury said. "If you want to get some sleep go ahead. Me and Shame can talk with out you." Fury let out a loud sigh. "Sure. Wake me when we get close." He laid down in the back and fell asleep. "So, Shame. How are you feeling?" Shame shrugged.  He hates talking. But for some reason he liked talking to Despair. He feels comfortable around her. "I'm feeling decent as usual. Good job on the mission. You did great." Despair smiled at him. "Awe. Thanks Shame. You did great too. My knight in shining armor, picking me up and racing me off fo safety."  Shame blushed. "Ugh, yeah. Thanks." Despair giggled. "Awe Shame looks so cute when he blushes. I love my brothers, especially Shame. So cute and sweet." Shame felt nervous. "Cute and sweet?" He asked. He couldn't stop the blushing. He never had a girl talked to him that way until he met Shame. "Of course! You are always acting so nice and sweet to the others. You are really a good brother." Shame hated being considered a brother by Despair. He thought the two could be more then that. "Yeah, family." He sighed. "Mhm. We are all family. If you ever need me all you have to do is ask. She kissed his forehead. Shame was really blushing now. Despair sat back in her seat. "Y'know the only guys I ever need are you boys. You, Love, Trust, and the others. You boys are always so kind to me. I hope we will always be family. How about you Shame?" Shame thought about it for a moment. "Well of course, you guys are about the only thing close to a family I have. If it wasn't for you guys I would be lonely." Despair smiled at that and Shame couldn't help but smile himself. "Shame you are one heck of a guy. You deserve only the best girl." Shame sighed. Can't she really understand that he wanted that girl to be her, he thought. The two have been on every mission together. He always wished he could tell her on every one of those missions, how much he liked her. But he knew she only thinks of him as a brother and that hurts him. But if she only thinks of him in that way, then he'll be the best brother he can be to her. He never wants to see her hurt or sad. He will be sure to keep that promise.

They pulled into a rocky road. It was a little bumpy, enough to wake Fury. They saw the evac ship dead ahead. "Well, it looks like they are on time." Despair said. Shame could only nod. "For once they are. Usually we wait for ten minutes." Fury said. "It's because the data we received is of high importance to the Contractor." He pulled up to the evac ship and put the car in park. "Well good. I'm so very tired. I need some rest." Despair said. Shame turned the vehicle off, stepping out of the car. The three walked into the evac ship. One of the soldiers looked at them. "Do you the information?" Despair nodded and handed him the information. "Good. We're taking you home, you get to meet a new agent and see an injured one." Shame raised a brow. He was gonna ask but Despair beat him to it. "Which one is injured?" The soldier turned around. "Agent Trust was hit in the side. He's in the medical center." The soldier walked away.

Thanks for reading so far! This has been very fun to write! Don't forget to follow, vote, comment opinions, and share! You guys are all awesome! -Tanner

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