Chapter 12: Hope

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"Agent Pain, you may begin." The Contractor said. Jade hates briefing, especially this one. She has a bad tingling feeling in her bones about this one. She can't quite understand why but it's killing her. She had to suck it up, she was needed. She was placed on team A for the mission. Leading was always something she knew she could do, but she just hopes she doesn't mess up. "Right, So today our goal is to get inside Leon Corps. They have something we need. An artifact that looks like this." He pressed a button on the table and a hologram of a small item appeared. It looked bigger then the one Love and his team found. "This goes with the item agent Love retrieved with his team. The artifact must be taken and escorted out. We will be under heavy fire and they will be sure to send their best at us. So I am dividing the group in two teams." Pain took a minute to clear his throat. Jade wondered why Louis just changed the amount of teams. They had agreed on three. She made a quick glance to Love, who looked very calm. Was he just gonna roll with it, she thought. She knew he was going to. Love was always good at adapting to his surrounding and changes easily. That was always something The Contractor was impressed about him. "So our first team will be Team A, which will be led By Agent Hope. With her will be Love, Shame, Acceptance, and Joy." Joy laughed with excitement. "Team B will be led by myself. I am taking Despair, Pity, Fury, Envy, and Anticipation."

Love raised his hand. "Yes Agent Love." The Contractor said. "What about Sorrow?" Love glared over to Sorrow. Jade was happy he asked the question instead of herself. "She is on her own team with her own orders. She will be assisting us, that is all I can say on the matter." The contractor replied. Love gave Jade a look, showing he was suspicious. "Anywho, Team A will infiltrate the building and get the artifact and Team B will hold off the cops and any other people who try to get in. Despair will be waiting with a chopper. She will help team A get the object on board and get out. Team B will have there own chopper waiting for them." Jade was shocked by how much the plan has changed. She would never have expected the Contractor to have changed this much of their plan. She wanted to speak up and ask but she knew Lubbock wanted to play this out. He has always been suspicious of the Contractor and his methods. Lubbock was the first to question him. If he can play along then so can Jade. So she swallowed the words she wished to say and kept listening. "We should all meet back here around the same time. Is everything thing clear?" Louis eyed everyone. Soon, everyone nodded. Louis took a minute, before he spoke again. "Alright, good. We leave first thing tomorrow. Makes sure you get some good sleep and you are ready. Disgust, you will have to be up a little earlier then usual to ready your ship. Agent Hope, pick a second in command and have him or her come with you tomorrow morning to make sure all the details and such are ready to go. This mission is really important to the Contractor, so failure isn't an option. I advise you all to be ready to adapt and focus on the mission and the task of it. Am I clear?" The agents all nodded. "Clear!" They said in synced. "Very well. This briefing session is now over."

Jade sighed. She had went to the mess hall after the briefing session to get some food. She still had that feeling that something was suspicious but she did her best to ignore it. She wondered why Sorrow is getting her own orders. Is she still being tested by the Contractor? She shook her head. She had that small glimmer of trust in the Contractor. It was faint but she knew she had to hold onto son hope. She's been fighting with Project Emotion for a long time now and has seen all he's does. Still, she can't shake the feeling he has a plan that is deeper then the one they were given. She heard someone sit right across from her. "So, you're up this late as well?" She looked up to Se it was Acceptance who had said that. "Hey Charles." She said, waving at him. "So, I'm grouped up with you and some others." She took a bite of her meal and nodded. "Mhm." He sighed. "You know. I was about to back out of the mission myself. Gosh, I gotta be teamed with Love." She tilted her head at his comment. "What's wrong with Agent Love?" She'd ask. "The fact he's all nuts over Raven. She belongs to be with me, not son loser who has some big conspiracy over the Contractor." He crossed his arms. "If I had an opportunity, I would kill him." He said, showing no sign of emotion. Jade's eyes widened at the comment. "But Charles, he is family to us all." He shrugged. "Not to me he isn't. I wish I can kill him. He's too much in love with her." Jade sighed. "Listen Charles. You can't do that. Alright? I'm sure Raven only thinks of him as a close friend." She stood up and gave him a smile. "I'll see you bright and early." She then turned and quickly left the room. She couldn't believe what she heard from Charles. Killing a fellow Agent? That has never been something any of them have said. She quickly decided to not tell Love, but to instead keep an eye out on him. She wasn't about to let any of them die by a fellow agent.


Thanks guys for the read! This book is so fun to write and I'm really happy with the turnout so far. I am already confirming another book in this little series going on, so I can't wait to dive into this story more! Thanks everyone!

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