Chapter 15: Sorrow

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Sorry in advance but this chapter is gonna be a little shorter then usual. It gives some development to Sorrow but Sorrow doesn't really play a big part in this whole mission except for this portion. Hope you all enjoy!

Sorry quickly climbed the final ladder. She quickly ran to her position and sighed. She knew what she must do and it was something she understood the reason behind it. She quickly got to her position and made sure her sniper was ready to go. She looked to the tall building across from the one she is at. "They should be in there by now." She said. She looked through her scope and checked the building out. She then looked to a data pad that was given to her before the mission. "Highest floor, third room from the right." She looked through her scope. She looked to the respective room and saw a window had been busted. "Odd. I guess something is going on in there." She heard someone talking really loud. "Bingo." She took out her radio. "Contractor, this is Agent Sorrow. I have found the room. I'm ready to take a shot whenever." She waited for a reply. "I hear you Agent Sorrow. You may take your shot. Remember, you kill and leave. This is to strengthen a certain, Agent." Sorrow sighed but she understood. "Understood sir. I'll be taking the shot in 2 minutes." She put her radio down and looked back through her scope. She looked at the four people who were on their knees. "Interesting. These four are surrounded. Heh, talk about weak agents. They can't even take care of a few soldiers." She chuckled a little to herself. She scanned the rest of the area. She saw one pointing a gun to the green haired boy. "Bingo. Bye bye agent." She pulled to the right and fired.

She quickly picked up her stuff and ran. She didn't stay to see the aftermath. She buzzed in. "This is Agent Sorrow. My mission is complete, I request pickup at my set location. You should receive it shortly." She took out her data pad and sent a location not too far from her position in. Her radio buzzed. "Roger agent Sorrow, on my way." Sorrow quickly slid down the ladder, wasting no time. "Sorry Agent." She said to herself. "I had too. For him and his plans." Sorrow couldn't feel sympathy for the fallen agent. It was her assigned mission and couldn't deny or say no to any orders. But she couldn't help but feel that somehow in someway, maybe killing the was a good idea. She quickly ran across the street dodging the commotion of kids freaking out over the heard gunfire. The rest of the agents have been in a gunfight for a while now. She looked down the street and saw some of the agents shooting and then hiding behind destroyed vehicles and buildings. She just kept running. "Not my orders." She kept saying that in her head, until she made it to her pickup. She saw her ride land as she arrived. She quickly climbed in and put her stuff down. The ship started to rise and she looked to Leon Corps. She saw a ship flying straight down but suddenly jerk it up. She then saw two people free falling. She could only raise an eyebrow at the weirdness of it all.

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