Chapter 11: Anticipation

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Raven sighed. She can't believe another mission was being assigned this quickly. There was two missions in which was just completed. She doesn't know what to think about this. Apparently Pain, Hope, and Love are the ones coming up with a plan. She was confused as to why three people are  planning this mission. Usually the Contractor would choose one to lead and have him or her come up with that plan. Why is this mission different? She heard noises behind her and turned. It was Love, of course. Agent Love is always there when she needs someone to talk to. She appreciates him dearly. "Hey Raven, how are you?" He gave her that warming smile he always gives her. She can't help but smile back. "I'm good. Aren't you suppose to be strategizing for this mission?" Love laughed a little. "Already done. It didn't take long since it was me, Jade, and Louis. We got the plan ready to go." She nodded. "Lubbock, do you know why they had three of you planning that mission?" Love took a second to think, but could only shrug. "No, I don't. The mission seems to need more agents but three leaders seemed too much." Great. Not even Love understood what was going on. "Lubbock,  I'm just worried. What if-" Lubbock hushed her. "Everything will be fine. I promise. As long as I'm alive nothing will hurt you." Raven smiled. Lubbock always knew how to make her smile. He could be stone cold at times but other a total sweetheart.

The two have been in her room talking and hanging out as always. Lubbock had gotten some of the helpers to order  two pizza's and a batch of brownies. "Mm. This is the best meal I've had in a while." Raven said. "Same. The meals here can be horrible at times." The two laughed. "I totally agree. See this is why I like you, Willow, and Jade so much. You three understand me." Love laughed and took a bite of a slice of pizza. "Well, we've known each other for so long now. All of my life as it seems." Love said. Raven has always felt bad for his past. He had it rough growing up. His parents gave him up and he grew up without parents. Luckily Raven's mom and dad had been there to help take care of Lubbock. They bought him clothes, food, helped him with homework and overall really helped Lubbock through his kid years. The two have been best friends since. She was lucky to have been able to have Lubbock being brought into the program together. "So, Raven...I wanna tell you about that briefing." Raven raised a brow at him. "Why?" Lubbock sighed. "Because this mission is different. It's not the usual small team. It's almost every agent, even Sorrow." Raven felt chills. This mission is totally not the usual. She can tell Lubbock was feeling nervous about it. "Who's not going?" She said. That's all she could ask of him. "Well, Anxiety and Hatred aren't going, because of their lost against Sorrow. Other then that, Trust is still injured so he's out of the mission." Raven sighed. "How does Anxiety and Hatred feel about that?" Lubbock shrugged. "Hatred seemed fine with it, but Anxiety was a little mad." Raven sighed. "That's a no brainer from Anxiety though. She loves going on missions." Lubbock could only nod in response. "Well it was the Contractors orders. Nothing I could do about it." She sighed. "Lubbock, I know you don't trust him." Lubbock sighed. "Look I have my reasons. To me he just doesn't all who he says he is. I've told the others about it. No one believes me." Raven grabbed his hand. "I know. I wish I could. I really do." He smiled. "It's alright. I understand,  I don't have enough evidence."

The two heard the phone ring. "I guess there ready to get the mission underway." Lubbock said. "I guess so." Raven hated having to cut time with Lubbock short. It always seems hard to make time with him seeing he's off on missions. She reached and picked up the phone. "This is Agent Anticipation." She awaited a response. "This is the Contractor. You and Agent Love are to report to briefing. An assignment has been started. I require the both of you aswell as others." Raven nodded. "Yes sir. Me and Love are on our way." She hung up the phone. "Well, let's go." Lubbock stood. "Alright. I guess were needed, as usual." Raven walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "We can hang out soon after. But right now we need to do our job." Lubbock nodded. "You're right. Our job is important." She agreed and grabbed his hand. "I take lead, this time." She ran off, dragging him along.

As the two were running, they were stopped. "Gosh, you two just love running. Love birds." It was Agent Disgust. "Glad to see you again." Raven replied. "Well I'm heading to the briefing room." Raven nodded. "Me and Lubbock both are. How about you follow us." Disgust thought about it but agreed. "Sure why not." The two smile to eachother and began walking, Raven still holding Lubbocks hand. "So I guess this mission is involving alot of agents?" Disgust asked, she eyed Lubbock. "Ugh, yeah. Mostly all but three." Disgust raised a brow. "Well this must be one interesting mission. Especially if they need alot of agents for this. I kinda don't like it. Lubbock agreed. "Trust me. I don't think anyone will. It sounds dangerous." Raven felt him tighten his grip a little. "Love, we will be fine. Everyone is trained well. I'm sure we can pull this off with no problem." Lubbock nodded. "I hope so too. But the Contractor seemed worried about it all. It makes me uneasy." Disgust shrugged. "Well I guess we will find out. Who knows, this all could just be a simple walk in the park."
Thanks for reading! This chapter is just to prepare you for what is to come! I am really enjoying writing this and I hope you guys are too! Thanks again for everything!

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