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I had somehow managed to get lost in the woods with my worst enemy, the demon prince of darkness himself. This...was not good. After several minutes the fog finally cleared and I was met with the realization that I had absolutely no idea where I was nor how to find princess Annette.

Vandel turned to me, giving me a little shrug. "So what happens now?" He asked. "I Hope we don't have to walk too much, I really like these boots and it would be a shame to wear them out."

"Quiet demon," I said curtly. I looked around in some last ditch attempt to find any trace of a path or clue to where Annette could be. Then an idea came to me. "Vandel." he didn't respond. I said his name again. "Vandel!"

Finally he turned slowly to look to me. "I'm only going to respond to your majesty, I am a prince Sir Ridley and I deserve to be treated as such."

"You sound like a whining child."

"Yeah well you sound like a dickwad."

I was taken back by his choice of words.

"W-what...did you just call me?" I was pretty sure I had never been called a dickwad before...well at least not to my face. Damn, just when I thought I couldn't hate demons any more than I did already I had to get stuck in the woods alone with this walking piece of garbage. I took a deep breath, I had to remain calm. He couldn't see any points of weakness from me or he would exploit them. That's what all this was about, the teasing and the mocking. He was trying to throw me off and there was no way in the God's names I was going to let him do that. I just needed to find the princess, find the path, and deliver Vandel to Alteria. That shouldn't be so hard. I looked to the sky, I really only had till sunrise. By then the demon queen would have realized that her son was missing and these woods would be crawling with demons. I clenched my fists now, building up as much resolve as I could to stoop low enough to ask the demon prince for help.

Vandel smirked at me again. "I know I'm probably the most attractive person you've ever seen but I'll have you know I'm slightly uncomfortable having you stare at me like that," he sneered. If I didn't need to keep him alive for Alteria's sake I would gladly have just run him through then and there.

"Please be silent demon and only speak when asked a direct question."

Vandel chuckled under his breath. "I'll give you this, you're at least polite."

"Vandel, I know you are a powerful magician. I need you to scry and try to find where princess Annette is."

Vandel laughed now, a long, cruel laugh that sent a shiver up my spine. "Why the fuck would I do that?"

"I'll give you something in return if you do it."

Vandel thought for a moment now. "Hmm...alright, you've made things a little more interesting. What would I get?"

"What do you want?"

If Vandel still had pupils he probably would have rolled his eyes. "To be released, obviously."

"Anything but that."

Suddenly a cold smile spread across his features. "Suck me." I froze, staring at him in disbelief. He was taunting me. I wouldn't be thrown off by him. I had to find Annette. If it was for my country I supposed I was willing to do anything.

"Alright," I said slowly. I took a deep breath and then slowly sunk to my knees before him.

Vandel's blood chilling laugh echoed through the woods once more. "Holy fuck, I was joking," he jeered. My face burned, he had wanted to humiliate me and he knew he had succeeded. He was playing with me. He was my captive so why the hell did I feel like the powerless one? His mouth twisted into a grin now. "Hmm well then, I suppose a simple kiss will suffice as my payment."

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