Taking Flight

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"Vandel what the hell are you doing here and why are you naked?" I hissed.

One of Vandel's pale fingers flew to his lips. "Shhhh, are you crazy? If you talk too loudly someone might hear you." He gestured to himself. "And I'm naked because if you didn't recall I can't wear clothes when I transform into my bird form. How else do you think I got here dummy?" He probably would have rolled his eyes if he had pupils. "And stop being a baby about it, it's dark in here. It's not like you can even see anything-" Vandel was cut off as I hurtled a sheet at him. "Ow! What the fuck Ridley?"

"Cover yourself," I mumbled under my breath. "It's...indecent." I was glad it was dark so Vandel couldn't see how flushed my face was.

The demon prince snickered, finally pulling the blanket around his waist. "I always forget you Alterian's are terrified of anything to do with sex-"

"With a demon," I cut in quickly. " We all know it's one of your powers of manipulation. That's why it's treason to-"

"I get it," Vandel said with a snort of laughter.

I frowned at him. "It's no laughing matter. What are you even doing here? Waltzing right into human territory and the castle of all places! Are you insane?"

"Some may argue that. The tables really have turned in our situations haven't they?" Vandel said with a smirk. "It's stupid to leave your window open at night Ridley. Strange men might come flying through the windows." I made a mental note to ask Annette to have every window in the castle locked and barred.

My eyes narrowed at him in the darkness. "How did you even find me?"

"There were still traces of my magic left over from the binding spell connecting me to you. It wasn't hard. Then you just made my life 100% easier by being stupid enough to leave your window open."

"That's creepy."

"No need to be so rude," Vandel said sticking out his forked tongue.

I sighed heavily. "The last time we talked we established that we weren't friends. We're still enemies. Why would you come here when I could easily call for backup and have you be captured right here and now."

Vandel met my gaze. "Because I trust you."

That took me by surprise.

I stared at Vandel, agape. "Why?"

Vandel shrugged. "I don't know really. Listen, I came here tonight because I have some information about the Bone King I just recently discovered and I want you to hear it."

That got my attention. "Wait really?"

Vandel nodded excitedly. "Yeah, after the incident in the village I started researching practically any and everything I could find on him."

"Me too!" I scooted forward on the bed. "I looked through almost every book in the library, even prince Stefan's personal collection." I wasn't sure if I imagined it, but it looked like Vandel had stiffened slightly when I spoke. Did he have some kind of hidden hatred for books or something?

"I sent out some of my men to search for anything regarding him and they actually came upon something quite interesting," Vandel said.

I stared at him.

He stared back at me.

I continued to stare.

Finally he let out an exasperated sigh. "You're supposed to ask me what it was idiot."

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