Through the Slime

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We rode on two demon horses. They had been supplied by the stables and they weren't like any creature I had ever ridden before. They were a glossy black with eyes that matched. I looked over to Vandel now, he galloped a few feet ahead of me.

"How long should this take? I kind of hate you so it would be great if we could make this as fast as possible, no offence."

Vandel simply shrugged. "None taken, I hate you too."

I swallowed hard. I really shouldn't be doing this...this was a bad idea. Helping a demon could be considered treason to the crown. Was my own life truly worth this dishonor? It wasn't too late. I could just ask Vandel to kill me now. I shook my head. I couldn't, I had to survive so I could continue to serve the kingdom. The crown would pardon me for this...and if they didn't then I would willingly face the consequences.

Vandel looked to me now. "What were you doing back at the palace? Most humans wouldn't escape from some place so dangerous and then immediately try to come back."

"I'm not most humans."

"I'd beg to differ," Vandel scoffed. "You're stubborn, obnoxious and annoying, all very human traits."

I glared at him. "Did you just call me obnoxious?"

Vandel snickered. "Why, does that hurt your feelings?"

"I've never been called obnoxious in my entire life. I'm always extremely polite."

"You just told me you hated me, that doesn't seem very polite to me."

I chewed on my lip, surprised that he actually had a point.

"I...I don't usually say things like that," I said slowly. "I promise you, I'm usually much more professional, even regarding demons."

"Even when you're running them down?" Vandel said dryly.

I stiffened. "When humans and demons meet it's usually not a play date Vandel it's battle. I have no choice." I sighed softly. "It would be nice though...for the blood shed to stop..." But not until I cut down whatever wretch of a demon killed my father. I shrugged now. "By the way, I do have every right to hate you regardless, you kidnapped the princess, you lied to us about having a fair meeting to get her back, you led me straight to a Bone Monster-"

"Well you kidnapped me."

"Yeah, well maybe you should have better security on your own damn castle."

"Oh shut up, like you're one to talk! It took us literally five minutes to capture princess Annette and you want to talk about castle security? You ARE the security."

My mouth drew into a thin line. "Can we please stop talking and just get this over with?"

"Changing the subject so suddenly," Vandel cooed. "Is it because you know I'm right?" I didn't answer and Vandel let out a low chuckle. "I'll take your silence as a yes." Gods I hated him. I took in a deep breath trying to stay calm and ignore Vandel's jests. Suddenly Vandel pulled on the reins and his horse slowed to a stop. I glanced in the same direction Vandel was looking and saw a giant black gaping hole in the forest floor.

I stared at it agape. " that?"

Vandel smirked at me. "That's where you're about to go to retrieve the cloak."   

I stared at Vandel a moment, a clear look of disbelief plastered to my face. He slipped off his horse and slowly I did the same. The moment our bodies left the horses they turned perfectly still, as if they were carved from marble.

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