The Trial

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Author's Note: Thank you to @dorkii_stuff on IG for this incredible art of Vandel and Ridley from the 'Two Enemies, One Bed 'chapter! The idea of Ridley and Vandel having Snapchat is so adorable! I'm sure Vandel would use his to just keep posting ...

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Author's Note: Thank you to @dorkii_stuff on IG for this incredible art of Vandel and Ridley from the 'Two Enemies, One Bed 'chapter! The idea of Ridley and Vandel having Snapchat is so adorable! I'm sure Vandel would use his to just keep posting nonstop outfit of the day selfies. 


Ridley stumbled back upon seeing the princess, covering his mouth with his hands. His body had begun trembling, almost violently.

The princess didn't react and just simply stood there, holding the knife as if she was in a daze.

"Princess," Ridley practically screamed, his voice hoarse, "what did you do..."

At the sound of Ridley's voice the doors burst open as the knights from outside reacted to the sound.

"Ridley is everything alright....OH MY GODS!" A look of horror had come over their faces upon seeing the horrific sight from within the room.

That's when Annette's expression suddenly changed.

It was as if her vision was coming back into focus. Slowly her gaze drifted downwards towards the knife and it immediately slipped from her bloodied hands.

Tears began streaming down her cheeks. " did I...." Her entire face had gone ashen and she looked like she was about to vomit. "He's my could I...h-how could I have..." her gaze fell to Ridley now, her eyes wild. "Ridley, you have to believe me, this isn't what it seems. can't be-"

I had no idea if it was the shock, guilt or horror that was too much for her to bear. Perhaps she was even faking it, but after that statement the princess's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted.


The throne room was crowded. People from all over Alteria had crammed themselves into every nook and cranny of the space for a chance to witness even a glimpse of the trial of the crown princess.

I stood there, shifting nervously besides Thomas and Erica, the two knights who had been standing guard that night.

Stefan sat on the throne now, the place once occupied by his late father. He had returned almost immediately upon receiving news of his father's death and was currently overseeing the trial seeing as the king was dead and the heir to the throne was quite possibly his murderer.

Stefan's gaze fell to us now. "Ridley, Erica, Thomas, would you please step forward." Awkwardly the three of us shifted towards the center of the room. I could feel the eyes on us, seething into our backs. I hated the feeling, my entire stomach twisting to knots. As I moved my gaze locked with Annette.

She looked awful.

She still wore the clothes from last night. They were wrinkled, the blood that had stained the sleeves long since dried. Her hair was a mess and it looked like she hadn't slept all night.

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