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Author's Note: Sharing this utterly hilarious Frozen AU fanart from @nora_artzz on IG this week

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Author's Note: Sharing this utterly hilarious Frozen AU fanart from @nora_artzz on IG this week. In addition the the amazing energy Vandel has in an Elsa dress, snowman Ridley looks freaking amazing haha. 


"Hey," I said softly.

"You shouldn't be here," Vandel replied, his voice strained and hoarse. I assumed this was due to the fact that he probably hadn't talked in a long time. The thought struck me like a dagger in my gut. To picture him all alone like this...he must have been so frightened. A deep, cold anger came over me, a desperate need to make anyone and everyone who had hurt him pay dearly for it. I smothered the thought. There would be time for that. I just had to be patient. "Still," Vandel continued. "I suppose I'd be lying if I told you I'm not happy you're here. It's been...well..." he laughed awkwardly. "Very quiet around here." He perked up now. "Oh! But if you're here that must mean it worked, right?"

I blinked, confused. "What worked?"

"The spell!" Vandel flashed me a pointed grin, a bit of his usual energy creeping back into his voice (which, despite myself, I found as a relief). "I've had a lot of time to practice while I've been locked up, you know! And I think I finally figured out a way to rebuild a small mental block against my mother so she can't monitor me 24/7! As long as I keep my emotions in check there's no way she can get any access to Vandel's ol' nogarooni!" He tapped his head as he said that.

"Did you just talk about yourself in third person and then actually use the word...nogarooni?"

"Beside the point," Vandel snickered. "I still gotta be careful though which means you better not get too hot and heavy with me, lover boy. If you do I might slip up."

My face turned pink. "Vandel I...I really don't think this is quite the time for these kinds of jokes."

Vandel shuffled closer, his chains dragging heavily on the floor behind him. "Sorry, it's like an automated defense mechanism. If I start getting too stressed and serious I gotta make some crude jokes to even it all out. Law of equivalent exchange and all that jazz."

"I don't think that's what that is-"

Vandel gave me a slap on the back which would probably have been far hardier if he hadn't been locked up for so long. "Ridley, Ridley, poor sweet Ridley. If you don't stay funny when shit gets serious then you end up growing a stick up your ass and turn into you..."

Despite his smiles and jokes I could tell how badly his imprisonment had hurt him and it was taking every inch of my willpower to stop myself from trying to make Stefan and Victoria pay right then and there. Annette had been right...I had to use this opportunity to guarantee I could free Vandel from this hell. I couldn't take any chances that Victoria would somehow find out Annette was alive and kill her, trapping Vandel with Stefan forever.

I took a deep breath. I could do this. It was for him—I had to do this for his own good. "Vandel...I...I actually came here to tell you something."

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