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I had left my window open since this morning, having absolutely no idea when Vandel was going to actually arrive.

The day had lulled on and the feast was drawing nearer and nearer. I hoped Vandel hadn't gotten confused on the date or that something had happened.

Those thoughts kept racing through my mind, twisting my stomach to knots as I sat in my room polishing Crystalbreaker. That's when all of a sudden a little black raven practically zoomed through the window. It was going so fast that it took me a moment to realize that if it continued on its current trajectory it was going to crash directly into me.

"Vandel watch out!"

But it was too late. The little raven slammed into my face, full force, causing me to drop my sword. Almost immediately upon making contact Vandel transformed back into his human form.

"Ow," Vandel muttered under his breath. "Gods that hurt."

My fingers drifted to my forehead which still stung from the contact. "Any reason in particular you decided to fly in with a vengeance today?" I mumbled.

Vandel sighed heavily, plopping down at the edge of my bed before proceeding to cross his arms. "I'm just in a really bad mood."

I arched a brow. "Really, why?"

His gaze darted to the ground. "It's complicated. I just ran into someone I hadn't seen in a long time and uh... it didn't exactly go great."

I quickly averted my gaze away from Vandel's form, remembering he was as naked as always.

"Hey," I said quickly, "I actually got you something."

Vandel's face lit up immediately. "Oh! A present?!? I love presents!"

"I assumed you did." I reached under my bed, quickly removing two neatly folded items. "You said you store clothing at checkpoints you visit often and uh..." I hated the fact that I could feel my cheeks growing warm. "Well you come here a lot so I decided to buy you something you could wear when you're here."

Vandel's eyes had widened slightly as he slowly unfolded the items. "You got me...clothes?"

I swallowed hard, fidgeting uncomfortably. He was probably going to hate them. Gods, why had I thought this was a good idea?

"Yeah...uh...I know I'm not as style err...oriented as you are. I tried to get princess Annette's opinion on them and she said she thought they were nice but compared to your usual standard I know they're probably pretty ugly-"

"Oh for God's sake stop rambling Ridley."

I glanced over to him and realized with a start that he had already put them on. I had simply guessed on his measurements and I was honestly more than a little shocked at how well everything seemed to fit.

"So uh...what do you think?" I stammered, bracing myself for the answer.

"They're cute."

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

"You think the clothes are cute?"

Vandel crossed his arms. "Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are. Obviously it's not top of the line couture's sweet." His gaze flickered to the floor. "Thanks I...uh...I guess."

For some reason I felt a strange fluttery feeling in my chest when he said that.

That was...odd.

I swallowed hard, trying my best to ignore the feeling. "Okay, so the plan is that I'll sneak you into the feast in my pocket and then once it's underway you'll sneak out on your own to investigate while I question the nobles, right?"

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