Vandel Kicks a Rock

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After a long night of flying we finally landed in a small wooden glen. I slowly slipped off of Vandel who cocked his head quickly to the side, silently telling me not to look. I nodded quickly before turning away. There was the same crack of bone and I wasn't sure if I imagined it or not but I was pretty sure I heard Vandel let out a little whimper. I flinched, feeling a slight pang in my chest over the fact that this transformation back and forth from his hybrid form was so painful. I shook my head quickly, it wasn't my fault. Vandel had wanted me to come with him, it wasn't like I was forcing him to transform into that thing.

"Can you hand me my clothes?" I heard Vandel call from behind me.

"You mean my clothes?"

"Just shut up and give them to me. Trust me, I don't want to be wearing your ugly ass garments as much as you but unless you want me walking around the village with my dick out then I suggest-"

I hurled the clothes at him.

After a minute Vandel approached me. My clothes were much too big for him. The shirt's sleeves passed his hands and the shirt itself extended all the way down to his lower thigh. The pants didn't seem to fit either and Vandel was currently holding them up with one hand.

Vandel scowled at me. "Don't you dare laugh,"

"I wasn't planning on it."

"I know I look ridiculous," Vandel muttered. "It's not my fault all your clothes are so ugly."

"Maybe it just depends on who's wearing them." Vandel nearly gagged. I stared back at him, slightly shocked I had just said such a rude comment. I sighed heavily. "I'm sorry," I murmured. "That was extremely rude of me. I suppose being around you brings out the worst in me."

Vandel simply shrugged. "I don't really mind."

I blinked. "What...why?"

Vandel let out a low chuckle. "I think it's funny when you fight back, it makes you more interesting than the cookie cutter white knight you always pretend to be."

"WHA? I am not a cookie cutter white knight!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!

Vandel gave me a pointed grin. "Are too, I bet almost everyone you know thinks you have the personality of a paper doll."

I sighed heavily, glancing around. "We don't have time for this. Are you sure this is the right location?"

Vandel nodded. "Positive. I had my men put up a magic seal around where they discovered the entrance so I could find it."

"So then where is it?"

Vandel's mouth tightened into a thin line and he glanced around quickly.

"No idea."

We began looking about. After about ten minutes of searching Vandel began to grow annoyed.

"What the shit," he muttered. "Where the actual fuck could this village be?"

"Maybe this is the wrong spot-"

"THIS IS NOT THE WRONG SPOT!" I couldn't help but let out a little snort of laughter at how ridiculous and heated he was getting over this. It was becoming more and more obvious that the 'calm and suave' attitude he had when we first met had clearly been an act. He probably had gone home and thrown a little fit after almost getting kidnapped by Annette and I.

Vandel began to stomp about, angrily glaring every which way.

"The key is that we just need to look in all the right places," he stated firmly.

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