What Ridley REALLY Wants

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It felt like I was floating in complete darkness. I let out a low, shaky breath. I just needed to stay calm. Everything would be fine. I was used to refusing things I wanted, hell I had done it practically my entire life.

Honestly I was worried more for Vandel than for me. Knowing his impulsive personality I wouldn't be shocked if he had more than a little trouble with this test. Hopefully he would make it through alright. I could already tell my family's death would probably come up in some way or form and I would have to be ready for it when it did. I shut my eyes a moment, trying to prepare myself.

That's when the silence that surrounded me suddenly erupted into the sounds of a city street.

Slowly I opened my eyes.

I glanced around, standing to my left was Percival and to my right was Annette and Stefan. The three figures looked like my friends but they had smiles that were almost too wide for their faces.

Percival slung an arm around my shoulder. "Look Ridley! The whole city is cheering for you!"

Stefan grinned at me. "We all love you Ridley!"

"I don't think it's possible to hate you!" Annette cheered.

The people around the city began to stop, all of them turning to smile at me.

"You're so amazing sir Ridley!" One called from the crowd.

"I wanna be just like you when I'm older!" A child shouted.

"You're our hero Ridley! You're everyone's hero! Look how happy you've made the kingdom!"

"Life has been perfect since you've been here to protect us Ridley!"

Okay...so my first desire was that everyone in the kingdom would love me. It made sense, it wasn't a huge mystery to me that I was always trying to make everyone happy. I scanned the crowd and noticed a large black door simply sitting about 30 feet ahead of me. I let out a low chuckle. So that was it? Find the door and just go through? This test was going to be easier than I thought. These people weren't acting like my friends in the slightest, everything was too fake, too much of a lie. It would be a piece of cake to keep a clear mind and simply go through the doors.

I pushed my way through the crowd, the cheering still surrounding me. Finally I made it to the door and opened it.

When I passed through the crowd was gone, I was standing in a place that was all too familiar. A courtyard in the middle of winter....my family's courtyard. I sighed heavily, a gust of wind whipping harshly against my face. I knew this was coming.

There they were, circled in the courtyard were the demons that murdered my family. One demon held my little sister up by the collar. There was my mother and father. They stood there, my mother crying. It looked...so real. I could see the door behind them now, about 40 feet away. Unlike the door in the first simulation this one was blurry...harder to make out. Suddenly I understood...it was harder for me to see the door because I was getting too submerged in the simulation. As that thought came into my head the door suddenly began to appear more clearly. I began to approach it.

"Ridley!" A voice suddenly called out. I turned to see my mother, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her nose was red from the crying and the cold, she was shaking. "Ridley please," she begged. "This is your chance Ridley! This is your chance to save us!" She began to gesture wildly to the demon who led the attack, the demon with the ring of a snake. "You'll never get this opportunity again!"

"Please," my father said, slowly turning to face me. "Ridley you can kill him now. You can save us. This is what you've always wanted!" They began to make their way towards me.

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