{Chapter 29}

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((Important author's note, just if you'd like to read and see if it answers a question...!))


"Victor! You didn't have to come!" I exclaim as we enter the place.

"I can't leave you without a coach; you know that Mizore."

I sigh at his answer and look around.

A suddenly shout of my name calls my attention, causing me to look back.

"Surya!" I say happily as she gets to us.

I glance over to Victor whose eyes show less worry than before.

I smile and place my hand on his hand reassuringly.

"I know I didn't say much yesterday, but I wanted to see if you're willing to be my substitute coach. Only for this competition."

Surya's eyes widen but she nods regardless, "O - of course! Although..."

I grin and look at Victor, "See? I'll see you soon! Okay?"

I push him away before he becomes too attached but he didn't leave completely.

He pauses for a moment before taking a step towards me and leans down.

My face flushes in a bit of shock from what he says before he quickly leaves a kiss on my lips.

Once he leaves, Surya starts laughing, "With Victor Nikiforov?!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" I exclaim and cover my face in embarrassment.

"Mizore! We haven't talked in forever! What's even happening in your life!" She suddenly exclaims and goes to give me a hug.


To make it quick, Surya Bonaly has been in many competitions with me, winning beside or with me and such.

Even in my Junior years, i've known her.

Surprisingly, we meet at a camp.

This is when we were first starting out.

But; maybe a year before I decided to take a break, she decided to start coaching.

Since then, we haven't seen each other in a while.

That and we're in completely different places.

Though, not far.

I guess we haven't got much time.


"Surya? Where are you?" I familiar voice calls out.

My eyes widen a bit when I catch sight of who i'm hearing.

"Oh, right. I forgot. It seems like I found myself coaching Miyamoto Yui." Surya whispers before waving.

Once I see her dark blue eyes find us, her eyes widen in shock. Probably exactly like mine.

"What are you doing here?" She asks bluntly.

"I'm competing." I answer.

"Sorry Yui, I was asked to be Mizore's temporary coach." The darker haired woman says.

Miyamoto gives me a subtle glare as I lower my gaze

Miyamoto and I haven't been on the best terms for a while.

For some reason, she just started to dislike... no, more like "hate" me.

I first met her when I was finally in my Senior debut.

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