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December 20th, 2017.

"I'm so glad you three decided to come back for the holiday!" Hiroko exclaims as she parks the car.

Mizore smiles with excitement, "It's nice to be back!"

Victor, Yuuri, and Mizore decided all together it was high time they went back to Japan again.

Given the time away, the two Japanese skaters were more than a little homesick.

"Is Minako - san here?" The chestnut haired woman suddenly asks as she unbuckles.

Hiroko nods and opens up the trunk. Mizore's golden brown eyes light up as she gets out.

"Aren't you excited...!" The older woman comments, getting out and walking to the back.

The two men follow them out and head to get the luggage out.

Mizore grins, "It's been so long! Is she inside right now?"

Hiroko nods again with a smile. "Wah! I'm going in!" The young woman exclaims before running in.

"And that's how she avoids helping out with the luggage." Yuuri says with a small smile.

The Russian beside him chuckles and starts getting suit cases out.

The Japanese mother starts heading in but calls out to them beforehand, "You two best hurry, I have katsudon ready for all of you."

Victor's eyes sparkle, "Come on Yuuri! I haven't had Hiroko's katsudon in ages!"

"Neither have I!" Yuuri grunts as he takes a heavy bag out.

Finally when the two bring everything in, they immediately head for the noise filled room.

"Minako - san...!" Mizore exclaims, hiding her face in her hands as they enter the room.

The older brunette beside her bursts out laughing before looking back, "Yuuri! Victor!"

"Hello Minako!" Victor says with a grin and a wave as he trails in after Yuuri.

They both take a seat across the two women to find two already bottles on the table.

"Take it easy...! We've only gotten off the airplane a few hours ago." Yuuri says, giving a look to chestnut haired skater.

"Daijōbu! I'm taking it easy." Mizore answers with a mischievous grin.

(It's alright!)

The raven haired man sighs, "Taking is it is what you say every time." The table chuckles at his remark.

When the food arrives, they start eating, talking about travels and things that had happened.

"How has skating been for you?" Minako asks, draining the last contains from her cup.

Mizore's eyes brighten up, "I've been getting better at the backflip!"

The brunette chuckles, "Practicing it more? I was completely in shock when you did it during competition."

The younger woman grins happily, "I'm glad I was able to do it properly..."

"Chotto matte! Did you practice beforehand?" Victor exclaims.

(Wait a second!)

His girlfriend nods, "Un, don't worry. But it was my first in competition after a long time!"


The three other adults stare at her in awe, "Mizore, you should've been more careful!"

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