~Chapter Three~

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She snuck back into the house, her bruises black and yellow. She had stayed at the hospital for a few more hours, she was just tired.

Something smelt amazing, her stomach rumbled. Mum must have left her dinner. She went into the living room and no one was there.

The house was silent and cold

The smell wasn't food.

'mate' Her wolf whispered.

"Fuck." She mumbled to herself. That's why she felt dizzy. She stretched out her neck a little and went into the fridge, searching for food.

'Stop looking for food and go find mate.' her wolf told her.

"He's not here. Shut up." She spoke out loud, closing the fridge and making her way up the stairs slowly. She didn't hear her father snoring and the spare bedroom smelt different. She followed the intriquing scent into.... Her own bedroom?

She moved too quickly and winced in pain, touching her neck lightly.

She opened the door slowly and there was a bag in her room, and a suitcase. It smelt nice? She walked over to them and there was a note on the side.

Alexa, (Mate.)

This is my stuff. Sorry to leave it in your room. Your father's dragged us out for a beer, I hope you sleep well... Don't wait up for me.

Sorry.. this is also kind of random... I'll meet you later.

Layton Xx

"Fuck." She swore again.

The alpha?

"Shit." She flapped her arms, shaking off. She stopped moving, her neck hurt too much. She quickly tidied her room as best as she could and she went into the bathroom, looking at her neck.

It wasn't too bad.. she could cover it. It was black in some spots, but mostly just red and a little swollen.

She got ready for bed, and climbed in.

She reminded herself that she would probably have an alpha in her bed in the morning and she sighed, turning off the lights and laying down.

She was out like a light, with the refreshing smell of her mates things beside her bed.

The boys came in at about 12... Layton and his Beta, Corey, tried to be quiet. Edward and their father were anything but quiet.

Layton went up the stairs, leaving them too it. He had seen and heard enough.

He creeked into her bedroom, feeling comforted with her scent. The note had been moved slightly, and she was laying in her bed, snuggled up in her duvet and blankets.. that all smelt amazing to Layton.

He didn't want to wake her, so he was quiet and checked his emails on his phone. He took off his trousers and put on a shirt, he usually slept without a shirt but he didn't want to freak her out when she woke up, he closed her blind and sat beside her in her bed.

She had a small double bed, so there was plenty of room. But he wasn't sure whether she'd be okay with it.

She rolled over in her sleep and seemed to move towards him a little. He stroked the top of her arm, and then moved a small piece of hair from her face. Her eyes fluttered.

"Hi." He said quietly and she smiled.

"This was unexpected." She told him, sitting up slightly, hiding her face.

"I know... I wasn't expecting it either..." He said. "I wasn't sure whether you would want me to sleep in here with you." He admitted. "I can sleep downstairs if you like?"

"I'll go downstairs. It's fine." She told him.

"No. Really, I'll go I don't mind." He got up and put on his shorts, realising she might not be comfortable.

"No. Wait." She sat up a little further. "Will you stay here with me? Can we just talk for a while?" She asked hesitatantly.

"Of course." He nodded. He sat on the edge of her bed, still in his shorts.

"Tell me about you." She asked.

"Well what do you know?" He asked, smiling. "I'm Layton, I'm the alpha of WinterMoor... It's the second largest pack in the country, I don't seem very nice most of the time but I'm actually a bit of a softy." He told her and she smiled. "Your turn" he told her.

"There's not much to know..." She told him. "I prefer being called Lexi, rather than Alexa... Um..."

He smiled. "Tell me about you?"

"I told you there's not much to kn-"

"-no... I mean.. you. Your favourite colour, your birthday, your favourite movie or book... Things you like... Things you don't like...?" He asked and she nodded.

"Um... Turquoise, or purple... 17th of June, I'm 22. I'll watch anything, I like the woods...and the stars... And nature and being outside.. I don't like thunder." She told him. "Your turn."

"Blue... 19th of July." He paused, he move onto the bed a little more and she relaxed a little. "I'm 24. I like reading in Greek or Latin, anything will do. I like the stars, and being comfortable... I don't like people who annoy me." He told her.

She sat up, opened her window, and sat infront of it. She looked behind her and smiled.

"Is that an invitation to come and sit and look at the stars with you?" He asked and she was hesitant... But nodded.

"Can I take these off?" He gestured to his shorts and she nodded, looking up at the moon.

"So you know Greek? And Latin? Hmm?" She asked and he sat beside her.

He nodded. "tui oculi pulchri sunt"

"Your eyes are beautiful."

"You weren't lying." She smiled.

"I wasn't lying about what I said either." He told her, "I'm still learning Greek, my Latin is much better."

And for hours, they sat talking about life, the pack, and general things that came up.

"You should sleep." He told her. The sky was getting lighter... It was almost 4am. He noticed the bruise on her neck. "What's this?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm gonna sleep."

"Lexi... What's the mark on your neck? Is it a bruise?" He asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She told him and he went silent.

"Okay... Get some sleep." He got up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'll sleep in the spare room with Corey, my Beta."

"Why don't you sleep in here?" She asked, sliding her legs under her duvet.

"Do you want me to sleep in here...?" He asked.

She hesitated. "If you want to."

"Whatever you're comfortable with." He told her... She thought about it and then nodded.

He climbed into bed beside her and they kept their distance. She wasn't the most confident, and wasn't comfortable with doing anything but he didn't seem to mind. She watched him for a little while.

She watched the way his chest moved up and down.

She watched the way his eyes looked up at the ceiling, slowly falling.

She watched the way his lips parted and came together as he drifted off.

She watched the way he turned his head and smiled at her, his eyes sparkling.

He was happy? And yet... She hadn't done anything...

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