~Chapter Nine~

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"Thank you, Mrs. Bailey. That was amazing." Lexi said, putting her knife and fork together, Layton's hand rested on her knee.

"Oh please, Sweetie. Janet is fine." She told her. "But you're very welcome." She said, as she started to collect the plates.

"Oh, I'll help." She said quickly, about to get up. Layton looked at her and seemed disappointed.

"No, don't worry, sweetie. I'll do it." She told her. The kids and their father started talking.

She beant down to Layton's ear. "You've got me to yourself later, let me help." She told him, collecting the remaining plates and walking into the kitchen.

Layton stayed up the table with his family and Lexi washed and cleaned up with his mum.

"I hope he's treating you okay, Lexi? You would tell me if he wasn't, right?" Janet asked her.

"Of course he is, you've brought him up so well.. he's honestly.. amazing." She replied.

"I'm glad you're happy, I think he was losing hope a little.. he's getting to the age where he wants someone there when he gets home, and wants someone to be able to love on.. you know what I mean." She spoke.

"I just hope he's happy." She admitted.

"Oh no!! Don't think like that Lexi.. honestly, he hasn't stopped smiling and he glances looks at you whenever the can... He's happy, Lexi.. very happy." She tells her.

She smiled and carries on helping her out.

When they were both finished cleaning up, they went back into the living room. Layton was sitting in the corner of the sofa holding Luke in his arms.

"He looks tiny in your arms." Lexi told him quietly, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Do you want to to hold him?" He asked.

"He's settled, don't worry." She told him, massaging his shoulders a little.

She watched them for a little while before sitting on the floor with Simon and Rubie, who instantly let her join in with their game. They went outside to play in the garden.

Layton fed Luke and put him upstairs, and then went to the patio door to try and retreave Lexi about an hour later, giving her time to bond with the kids.

"And then, a big!... Red!... Pirate ship! came crashing down into the rocks... Crhshshshshshsh!!!!!!!" Simon made the sound effects and ran round, pretending to be a pirate.

"Can I steal my girl?" He asked, she smiled but both of the kids shook their heads.

"No! She's the captain." Rubie told him.

"She's the best Layton!" Simon said, running over and giving her a big hug.

Their mother got up and came to the door. "Come on, you two. It's time to start getting ready for bed anyway. It's already passed your bedtime." She told them.

"Awhhnnn.." Rubie complained, putting down her wooden sword just inside of the door and taking off her shoes.

"That's no fun." Simon said pouting.

"How about we make a deal?" Lexi asked them, stepping inside and wrapped an arm round Layton.

"Yeah!" They both turned back round and looked excited.

"We'll take you in the pool in the morning when we've all had breakfast.. deal?" She checked and they both nodded, running up the stairs excitedly.

"You're so good with kids, Lexi. Will there be any grandchildren anytime soon?" She asked casually.

"No mum... You've just had one, slow down." He told her.

"Very well.. we're going to go upstairs, do you want us to keep downstairs unlocked if you're going in the pool Layton?" His father asked, getting up and turning off the TV.

"No, it's okay. We'll use the outside stairs.. Come on. Goodnight." Layton and Lexi said goodnight to his parents and then went up to his old bedroom.

"Still want to go swimming?" He asked.

"I would love to." She told him, going into her bed and getting out her bikini.

"There's stairs from the balcony in this room.." He pointed them out. "They go down into the garden.."

They both got changed and grabbed a towel before walking down those stairs and across the grass. He led her down to the end of the garden, where the pool was..  it was lit up and had a little waterfall going down into it.

"It's heated... Well... It should at least be warm." He told her, putting his towel down and sticking his foot in.

Lexi came up behind him and pushed him into the pool, giggling and laughing as he splashed and eventually stood up, smiling.

"I wasn't going to get my hair wet, you little cutie." He told her, wiping his eyes and swimming to side. She was still giggling, and he smiled.

"Come on, jump in.. or would you like me to push you?" He asked, ruffling his wet hair.

She just smiled, dropping her towel and sitting down on the edge of the pool, sliding in gracefully.

"You know... You should learn how to get in the pool properly.." she told him, and he chuckled. He went over and picked her up, spinning her round in a fit of laughter.

"Layton." She giggled, wrapped her arm round his neck.

He slowed down and held her waist, backing himself up against one edge of the pool, not breaking eye contact.

"Your eyes..."

"What about them?" She asked, leaning her forehead against his.

"Not just you're eyes..." He told her. "You're so gorgeous.. I'm so fucking lucky." He told her and she blushed, covering her cheeks with her hands, he held her up.

He released one hand from her waist and slipped one underneath her bum, using his spare hand to remove her hands from her cheeks.

She flinched a little, but removed her hands. He placed his hand on her cheek... Leaning in.

She seemed unsure, and he wanted her reassurance. She swallowed.

"I'm sorry." He pulled back. Taking his hand from her cheek and placing her down. "We don't have to kiss or anything, I just forget that you need time... My wolf is... Over ambitious." He moved himself to the side and swims backwards, giving her space.

They stayed silent for a while, Lexi didn't move, Layton swam round.

"Sorry." She said quietly. He looked over and smiled.

"I've told you this before, you don't need to apologize. I understand that you need time, I just forgot a little." He told her, hugging her softly. She put her head on his chest.

"Carry me round." She told him.and he smiled, wrapping his arms round her waist and walking round in the water with her.

"You're getting sleepy." He told her, kissing the top of his head. "We should go to bed."

"Hmmm.." she hummed, not wanting to move.

"Do you want me to carry you upstairs...?" He asked her. She shook her head, yawning, pushing herself away and swimming to the side of the pool.

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