~Chapter Nineteen~

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The girls spent a few hours getting to know each other at the spa. They had massages, been in a sauna and then gone out for lunch. Her mum stayed out of the way, but she was grateful that everyone was there.

"What does your dress look like?" Rylee asked. They had gone back to the house. The boys were still out.

"That's a good point." Lexi said smiling. "I don't know. I didn't have one, Layton told me to check the wardrobe." She told them.

The girls squealed. They were all on Laytons bed, chatting. She got up slowly and went into the wardrobe. As soon as she opened the door their was a small trial of roses on the floor of their wardrobe. She smiled, the girls still squealing as they watched her.

She saw the dress instantly and hung it up in full view. It had a note on it.

"Alexa, beautiful.

I wanted to surprise you with a dress that I hope you like. I checked the sizes in comparison with your clothes, so I really hope it fits. If it doesn't, I brought some safety pins, they're in your bedside cabinet.

I never thought I would have a mate as amazing as you, and I can't wait to spend tonight together, just us.

Have fun with the girls getting pampered.

Your slightly rude but gorgeous mate,

Layton Xxx

"OMG this is adorable." Tyla exclaimed. "This has to fit."

"Have you got any underwear that would go under it? That's the important question." Ashley pointed out quickly, making the others laugh.

"Yes. Yes I do." Lexi said, still looking at the dress.

"But are they cute?"

"Are they sexy?"

"Omg. She's going to look sexy in anything. Layton would still want to bang her if she was in a bin bag." Tyla pointed out, jumping back onto the bed

"Excuse me. I doubt that." Lexi argued.

"We know you're getting laid tonight. Are you on birth control?" Ashley asked.

"Yes. I have an implant." Lexi told them. "Anyway? How do you know?"

"Because your glowing. You haven't marked each other yet, so unless he's about to come and sink his teeth into your neck now, you're waiting until tonight." Tyla explained.

"LEXIIII." They heard Layton call from outside of the room.

She opened the door and he was standing there grinning.

"Could we have a moment alone? Please?" He asked the girls, smiling.

They just sniggered slightly and made their way downstairs.

Layton closed the door and pulled Lexi into an embrace. "I overheard a slight conversation you were having, I didn't hear your answer though." He said and she raised her eyebrow.

"Do I need to bring protection?" He asked straight up and she smiled. She kissed him softly.

"I have an implant. So I won't get pregnant until I have with taken out. It gets changed every three years." She told him.

"As much as I'm looking forward to having kids, I'm going to keep you to myself for a few years." He told and she nodded, smiling.

He peered to the open wardrobe door. He bit his lip. "You like it?" He asked.

"It's amazing." She said, "I can't believe you."

"Can't believe me? I wanted to treat you. It's a beautiful dress for my beautiful mate.." He said, keeping his hands firmly on her waist. "I also can't wait to see what's underneath it later."

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