~Chapter Seven~

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After signing the papers she needed to and having the chip inserted into her hand, Layton took Lexi back to his house. She had insisted that she didn't need to see a doctor.

All of the boys were already downstairs, shirtless.

"Lads." He greeted them, "This is Lexi."

They all introduced herself and she smiled. She seemed to stare a little and Layton growled.

"Calm down. You'd be staring if there were a room full of naked women, Layton. Geez." She told him. The boys laughed and agreed with her.

"No I wouldn't. The only girl I want to look at is you." He told her.

"At least he's still a virgi-" Layton slapped Taylor.

"You fucker." He said annoyed, all of the other boys laughed and he gave them a glare. He looked over to Lexi who was smiling slightly.

"The only virgin in the house."

"I should hope not." He said looking towards Lexi.

"It's alright, you'll both be like fucking bunnies in a few days.. you won't be able to keep your hands off of each other." Andrew told them.

"Can we just make sure we keep it all in the bedroom? I don't want to have to watch that.." Corey asked.

"I bloody hope your bedroom is sound proofed." Ryan pitched in.

"Can we all just shut up? We're going upstairs. Are Lexi's boxes in my room?" He asked.

"No their in Corey's." Ryan teased, winking at them both as they walked away.

"They're usually like this..." Layton told her, leading her up the stairs. "You'll get used to it."

"What time is is? My phone was in my bag..." She told him.

He pulled his own phone out of his back pocket and pressed the home button. "Just gone half past 6, beautiful. We should get some sleep.." he told her.

"We have a meeting don't we?" She asked. He took her up other flight of stairs.

"I won't take you to this one unless you'd really like to come. I'd like to let you sleep, and we'll introduce you to the pack in a few days.. then, if you'd like to... You can come to meetings and train with me... Sound okay?" He asked as they walked.

"Sounds good." She nodded, slipping her hand into his and kissing his shoulder. He grinned, he loved that she was trying to let it just happen.

He opened a door and led her into their bedroom where her boxes were now spread across the room.

"There's space in the wardrobe and in the bathroom. I'll clear out some dresser space for you later." He told her, stepping over a box and walking over to the window.

She let of of his hand and looked in a few of the boxes. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked, looking out onto the rising sun.

"Everything." She told him.

"Thank you for trying." He told her, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms round her waist, kissing the base of her neck.

"What do you mean... Trying?" She asked, placing her hands on top of his.

"I know it musn't be easy... opening up to me and trusting men.. But you have.. and you've done amazing."

"Just the introduction to your ridiculously giant pack to go now." She said sarcastically, leaning her head back onto his chest.

"They're not that bad... Anyways, it's not my pack... It's our pack." He told her.

She turned round in his arms and touched his chest, looking up at him.

"Come on. We both need to rest." He told her, kissing her forehead.

"Will you stay with me? At least until the meeting?" She asked.

"Of course I will, if you want me to." He checked and she nodded.

She rummedged around in a few boxes and bags and went into the bathroom to get changed.

Layton was laying on the bed still in his clothes when she came back in loose shorts and a plain black t-shirt. She seemed to have a sports bra underneath that he noticed form the straps near her neck.

"You're going to sleep like this?" She asked.

"How much are you comfortable with me taking off?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to?" She said, laying on top of his duvet with a fluffy blanket. "It's too hot for a duvet."

"I usually sleep in just boxers. Is that okay? Do you want me to keep my top on?" He asked.

"Do whatever you want, Layton. I just wanna sleep." She told him, closing her eyes.

He took off everything but his boxers and slid under her blanket with her.

She shivered, and reluctantly let him share.

"Sharing is caring." He told her, shuffling closer.

"Not when you're cold." She told him, rolling over to face the other wall.

He gathered she might want some space, after all... She had only just gotten here. He didn't move any closer, and layed on his back drifting off to sleep.

He woke back up at 9 and left Lexi sleeping. He showered quietly, and left her a note, slipping of to his meeting.

They walked to the pack house in minutes, and went into the main meeting room. There were already head guards and warriors there, ready for the meeting.

"Alpha." Everyone bowed their head and he sat down at the head of the table. Corey passed him a set of folders.

"Let's start..." Layton said. "Breif me."

"The border guards prevented 16 cross overs onto pack lands, 2 rogues got in but were found innocent and were both released." One of the men spoke.

"The warriors are all back up to usual training methods... We have 4 injured warriors, two are off training for a week, one for three weeks and one for three months." A woman told him.

"The warriors have a brand new group of teenagers starting training in two weeks.. they'll take a minimum of two years to be fully trained, but they've been breifly and are ready to start."

"And another group of 200 warriors and 60 guards are two weeks away from finishing training too... They'll be put into the rotas with more experienced people first."

"The food supplies were exactly on point this month, but many pack members have suggested supplying more for emergencies... Just in case."

He wrote a few notes as they spoke.

"What else?" He asked. Everyone stayed silent.

"That was about it, Alpha." Someone told him.

"Very well.. I'll make some changes."

"We... We had a question." Soemone asked.

"Go ahead." Layton said looking up. He closed a folder.

"You were seen this morning... With a young lady." Someone said. Everyone seemed slightly excited. They had been waiting years to have a Luna.

"Correct." Layton nodded.

"We were all wondering if she was your mate, Alpha?"

"Yes. She is... She'll be introduced properly in a few days."

Every smiled slightly.

"Meeting dismissed." He told everyone, getting up and walking out of the door.

He walked back to the house quietly, urgent to see Lexi again.

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