~Chapter Six~

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"Make sure you message me, or mindlink." Layton told Corey urgently. He hoped into the car and told Taylor to start driving.

Alexa had been stirring for hours, but hadn't woken up yet, they weren't really sure if she was just unconcious or alseep.... Layton pulled her onto his lap, holding her sideways across his lap, with her head on his arm.

He sighed. Tonight had been interesting.

He had ran back to her house instantly, as soon as Edward had called. He had ended up loading all of her stuff into one car and taking her with him.

Corey was going to stay till the morning and take her family.

She shuffled, moving in his lap. She seemed to panic a little but relaxed instantly as her eyes met with Layton's.

She didn't say a word, only sat up a little and tucked her head into his neck, reaching for his hand to hold.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there.. he'll never hurt you again, I promise." Layton told her.

"I should have known it would happen... I feel dizzy." She admitted.

"Here." He reached forward a little passed her some water, opening the window so she could get some air. "Edward said you hit your head, we'll get you checked out before you come back to mine."

"We're on our way back?" She asked.

He nodded, squeezing her hand.

"What about my family?" She asked.

"Corey is with them.. he'll come back later tommorrow with all their stuff and them.. All of your boxes are in the car, I took a few blankets and things too so you're comfortable at mine.."

"Do you live alone?" She asked.

He chuckled and she smiled at the way his chest moved as he did so. "No. I wish.. I live with the boys.. there's 6 of us. Andrew, Patrick, Taylor, Ryan, Corey and me... We have a large house right next to the pack house.. makes things easier for access and emergencies." He explained.

She nodded, she didn't let go of his hand.

"We can move if you're not comfortable, but first let's get you settled and your family moved." He told her and she nodded lightly again.

He held round her back and stroked her side with his spare hand.

"Do you have any meetings or anything today?" She asked him. He nodded.

"One at 10..." He told her.  "You don't have to come to the meeting. It's only a breif."

"You know you don't need to do this.. if you want to reject me I would rather you-"

"Is that what you think? That I want to reject you?" He asked.

"I don't know.. I'm not the most...yeah." she shrugged, distancing herself a little and trying to let go of his hand.

"No. Lexi, I'm not going to reject you. I would never do that, no matter what. You have no idea how happy I am that I've found you, I'm just angry with myself that I wasn't there for you when I needed to be." He told her and she nodded slowly.

She peered eerily into the front seat and noticed the two guys in the front, she climbed off of his lap and strapped herself into the middle seat, hesitant to display affection.

"This is taylor, and Andrew." He told her and she smiled, as they waved, not turning round.

He reached for her hand but she pulled away, looking at Taylor and Andrew in the front.

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