Morning After

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3rd Person POV

Harry lay on the floor, naked. His eyes hurt, his vocal chords hurt, his bum hurt, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding. But he was barely crying at this point, just silent tears running down his cheeks. This was his life now, this was going to be how it was. His step father had raped him. It actually happened, and he was devastated. He told him he didn't want to, but he knew that he wouldn't take no for an answer. No was never an answer for Derek.

Harry's mind flashed to what ended only an hour ago. How he pleaded for him to stop, and how it wouldn't stop. How his bum tore open, and the searing pain became too much to bear. The screaming and the crying, all blocked by the gag shoved in his mouth. He used to be a virgin, and that was taken away a little bit ago. And now he has to go to school, deal with everyone, and try to go to his new job. When he let Zayn know, Zayn understood, giving him the best reference he could- despite the fact that Mrs. Tomlinson offered him the job.

See, he had to take this new job. He had to take his new job, and work as hard as he could, save up for as long as he could, and as long as he survives from this, the more savings, the better. He loved Zayn so much and didn't want to let him down, but when he talked to Zayn about it, he insisted he take the job. It was such a high raise, and Zayn always knew there was something wrong with his life, so he decided to force him into this new job. Honestly, Harry couldn't love him more for it. This would get him his new life sooner than he had thought- or a new life that was better than he could have thought.

But right now he was battered and worn. His whole body hurt, and there was nothing he could do about it. Anyone who would have looked at him would had at least a little bit of sympathy. Seriously, he was so coated in bruises, so covered in blood at this point that he could be mistaken for a corpse. This poor boy could never win. Looking at his ceiling, he whimpered loudly once again. He's helpless, completely useless to the world right now. Even his brain waves seem to falter. The thick sheen of sweat across his skin made him feel disgusting.

Showers were allowed only once or twice a week, if Harry was lucky. He was brought out of his dreams about a nice shower by his door opening. By instinct he started crying again, blocking his face and squirming away. "Hey hey hey baby... I'm so sorry... I-I'm so sorry..." Anne knelt down next to her son, and placed a warm blanket next to him. She gently slid her son's body onto the blanket, and carried him to the bathroom. There was not any awkwardness between the both of them, thought Harry was naked fully. He just wanted his mum. With great strength and effort she carried him to the bathroom, and closed the door. Once the locks clicked, she set him down on the large counter. This was the only bathroom in the house with a bathtub in it.

Anne started filling the tub with warm water, making sure the temperature was comfortable for her boy. Harry lay on the counter crying, his exterior seemed tough, but on the inside he was still just a scared little boy. His life terrified him, and he wished that he could escape from it with his mum. He watched as she filled the tub and tested the water over and over. Once it was full of perfect water, Anne walked over, picking up her son once more, and placing him into the bath water. It immediately calmed his aching joints, his sore bottom area, and his worries about today. This was the most amazing feeling in the world. Harry immersed himself as much as he could in the water, while Anne started to wet his hair to wash it for him.

"Now sweetie, I know that this might not be your favorite but... I'm gonna put some makeup on that eye of yours. And your cheek, oh sweetheart... I'm truly so sorry about this. You know what he said though, and you know what he did, and if I could tell someone I would. But um... yeah, we're gonna hide that eye and hide those other bruises, clean up that blood and poor bottom of yours, but I want you to go to school. He's going to be home in about an hour, so I'll be at work, and you can be away from the house. I don't want to force you out, but you need some time to heal. That Louis boy is nice, you could ask to have a sleepover?" Harry looked down sheepishly, blood dripping quietly into the water.

"I kinda sorta like him a little tiny bit." Harry mumbled, confessing his heart to his mum. Ever since Louis invited him in his home, Harry's heart has twinged a little every time he saw him. Passing at school, sitting close in classes, the slightest sound of Louis' voice gave him butterflies all over. He almost tried to give Louis his number, but he got too nervous and instead asked him for help on his essay. He thought back to all of those times and a blush came rampant on his cheeks.

"All the more reason to ask him my love. You'll be safe, comfortable, and you'll be in the same house as him." Harry shrugged, and wiped some blood off of his chin. Anne took that as a 'maybe', and began to ever-so-gently wash Harry's battered body. She knew he didn't feel very well, and that he tends to clam up a little when he's not feeling well. "Do you wanna wear your piercings and all today, I mean... given..." she gestured to the bruises scattering her boy all over. He thought about it for a moment, and reluctantly shook his head. He really did want to wear his piercings, but it'd be more pain than it was worth. "And your hair chalk?" She asked, holding up the shampoo. He again, shook his head slowly, and let his mum wash his hair.

When Harry was clean, he was helped out of the tub, and wrapped in a warm, fluffy towel. "I bought it secretly a week or so. I thought we could use a little luxury." Harry was able to barely smile, yet the sides of his pained mouth curled up gently. He wrapped it around his shoulders tightly, enjoying the warmth that it provided. "Okay, c'mere baby... let me put some lotion on your bottom, and put some makeup on you. I'll try to make it look like you don't have anything on sweetie." She didn't like doing it, because Harry hated it so much, but it was necessary to keep him alive.

Harry reluctantly limped over to his mum, and bent over a little by her hip, grabbing the edge of the counter so that he could steady himself. Anne gently pulled up on Harry's hips, letting him put his bum higher in the air. She took the lotion into her hands, and
spread it over all of Harry's sore areas. Harry whimpered and whined the whole time, crying out and squealing. This helped soothe his pain, but it couldn't fix it. Next, Harry was stood up in front of his mum, and makeup was applied to his visible areas. He was picked back up, and brought to his room, dressed in comfy clothes, and brought into a tight hug.

"I told Derek that I felt if you didn't have a bed, that he might get found out for abuse. I really didn't think that, but..." Anne kissed Harry's head gently, and continued rubbing his back. "You're getting a bed. It won't be a great one, granted, but you can have a pillow and a mattress and everything you used to have before Papa left. How's that sound?" Harry's ears almost literally perked up at the sound of a bed. He's missed having a bed for many months now, and it's all he's wanted for the past couple of weeks. Now he finally got one, another silver lining in this nightmare. He nodded enthusiastically, but quickly stopped. Derek had gotten rather rough, and slammed Harry's head on the floor several times during the rape.

"Alright bud, let's get everything going." Though neither of them wanted to make Harry go through with it, they did. Anne carried his backpack into the car, drove him to school, and waited until he was fully inside to go in.

Harry kept his eyes glued to the floor, too embarrassed to look at anyone. He walked slowly into his class, painfully pulled his books out, and sat quietly like any other good student. "Hi! You must be new here!" Harry looked up, to find a girl he'd gone to school since year 3 with, standing in front of him, arm outstretched. She stayed persistent, even after she looked at his face.

"You erm, know me? Harry Styles?" He rasped out quietly. At those words she immediately retracted her hand and walked away. Another set of feet approached his desk, and Harry didn't even bother looking up. Without his hair colors and his piercings, he looked like a whole different person. But instead of going away, the person knelt down by Harry's desk, and poked at his hand.

"Hey. You look nice today. I mean, not that the piercings and the color and stuff aren't really nice and everything- you always look hot- I mean- shit. Um, yeah, you're lookin Stylish. Dammit. That was dumb." Harry's eyes met Louis' who was kneeling awkwardly before him. This didn't even seem like the Louis he thought he knew. Harry tilted his head in confusion at this new development, why was Louis being so goofy and awkward and sweet?

"Thanks... If I'm being honest I'm in a little bit of pain, so I'm not feeling up to putting them in." A little bit of pain was the biggest understatement in the history of the world, but Louis would never have to know.

"It looks like your lip is busted, your eye and cheek a little too... are um, are you okay? I mean okay-okay, not just okay?" Oh gosh, the questions were getting too personal now. Harry started to clam up and spook a little, no one could find out.

"M fine."

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now